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You are looking for Bill Hirsch of Head End Equipment Highland Park, IL.  I work with him at the various shows, including the March meet.


He has 3 or 4 different versions converted to 2 rail.


He can be reached at steamhirsch (at) aol (dot) com or on his cell phone 847  431  9081.


I let him know you were looking to reach him so he is anticipating your E-mail or call.


Mike S.

OK: I have 3 runs of the PRR R50B

20-91456 @ $72.00 each plus shipping AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS W/GREEN TRUCKS AND UUDER BODY. I can supply this car and all the others with eather a brown or black roof.

20-94176 @ $75.00 each plus shipping RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY W/BLACK TRUCKS AND UNDER BODY

20-94182 @ $75.00 each plus shipping RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY W/BLACK TRUCKS AND UNDER BODY

All the cars come with 36" NORTH SHORT LINE AXELS and KADEES and have been track tested.


Bill Hirsch

847 432 9081 or

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