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Just wondering if anyone else has this problem.  When using the MTH DCS Wifi app, the throttle will start to steadily increase all by itself with no user input.  Once it starts, everything locks out and no inputs can be made.

I'm not talking about accidentally tapping 120 SMPH.  No hands on the controls and it will move all by itself.

Z4000, TIU 6.10, Wifi 3.2.1, IOS 10.3.3

Any ideas?


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I have that happen occasionally. It appears random and without anything to cause it. I have a small layout that has 3 separate loops. Each is controlled by a separate TIU channel. It never happens to all 3 at once. Normally one increases speed but the others maintain their normal speed setting. Since I have a small layout, the bulk of my curves are O36. Tight curves don't mix well with runaway trains. I have a kill switch that just shuts power off to the whole layout. I shut everything down, power back up, and reboot the engines. It's all fine after that.

Engineer-Joe posted:

Just IOS version maybe a bug?

"Most of the recent bugs have been on the blue tooth side..I have a app utilizing blue tooth for credentials...nothing ...but, major issues in the last few updates."

so the "Bluetooth side?" means other stuff for the device and not the MTH app itself, right? Bluetooth updates?

or... The last few updates of the MTH app?

I'd better update my app and have another look I guess? I don't use the device for any Bluetooth purposes that I know of. I usually turn it off. 

kgsouth posted:

When you add an engine do you go to the speed setting and move it  down from 120 MPH?   When you add an engine it's speed is set there and engines will take off at start up or sometimes when cruising with no operator input.

Yes... We learned to do this the hard way.  All of our engines once installed get reduced to 60 SMPH.  This does not stop our problem from occurring however.

The train will be running, say at 30 SMPH and the throttle will just start advancing all by itself slowly and methodically.  The user is then locked out from any inputs.



I've never experienced this runaway situation with any of my Android devices and I don't have any Apple device to test this on. I've had runaways & horn lockup before but they were a caused by degraded DCS signal and before I was using the app.

Does the speedometer on the app screen increase as the train increases in speed?

Can the DCS remote override and regain control of the runaway train?

Can another device running the app override and regain control of the runaway train?

Last edited by H1000
H1000 posted:

Does the speedometer on the app screen increase as the train increases in speed?


Can the DCS remote override and regain control of the runaway train?

Don't know... I do not regularly hold both the remote and the iOS device together at the same time to try this.

Can another device running the app override and regain control of the runaway train?

Have not tried.  When there are two of us, we typically react quickly with an e-stop.

I guess we could try some tests with these specific things in mind.



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