i have only seen one of these at a show and tell at the ft pitt train meet many years ago,,,,,stuck in my brain forever !!! last week on the infamous site,boom ,there it was,in all its glory,never ever did i think i would would be the winner,holly wide gauge,its mine,an american flyer #4220 in super shape,it has the orignal bulbs and they work ! this has been sitting for many,many years,i even got the dust with it, and made the trip from the west coast,,,,have to redo to get it to fit,,,,i want to keep the track,but the ligts in,,and made the trip from the west coast,,,,have to redo to get it to fit,,,,i want to keep the track,but the lights are hook to it,,,but would like to run the lights on fixed,,,not sure on that ,still wowie,wow
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Great find and you deserve it after waiting so long. Thanks for posting as I have never heard of that bridge and it looks like a great addition to your layout.
Looks incredible! Congratulations!
I saw one of these on the bay about 8 or 9 weeks ago. It still had the metal name plate on it. It was so unique looking, I almost bid. But, then I saw the specs on how tall it was, and realized it wouldn't look right on my layout.
Looks great on yours. Congratulations.
Nice prewar Flyer bridge! I wonder if I could pop the standard gauge track out of one of those and convert it to O gauge. I run lots of tall locomotives with pantographs so I'm always looking for bridges with enough vertical clearance.
sure, the track is held on by small rusty nails, I carefully removed them on the Salt Lake bridge to use on O gauge layout, I did not know about this bridge, the search is on!!!!!!!!
Very cool!