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Thank you for all the great information!!  Yes, I understand about the weather of Lake Michigan.  Lake Erie is similar, and I have experienced that.  It is neat the ferry once carried rail cars.  This sounds like the one that ran way back in the 1860s-70s which was mentioned on the History Channel series about Confederate Gold, where one theory is that the former Union officers moved the Gold taken when Jefferson Davis was captured north, then over the ferry from Michigan to Wisconsin by ferry.  As I said, this was portrayed in the series as a theory. 

Back to present day.  I agree that sometimes it is more advantageous to pay the toll or going out of the way to avoid the toll when getting from Point A to Point B.  It all depends on what is Point A and Point B.

Take care, Adriatic!!!

Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Jim -  You're quite welcome. It was a very nice afternoon with you and your family. That police chase sounds scary! Glad you managed to stay out of it. See you made it to the museum, cool! Let's compare notes.



That’s funny! The cab shot looks like a popular photo shot for many. I liked the sounds that go along with the exhibit as well. If you ever go to Scranton and come through Canada, we live five minutes from the Lewiston Queenston border crossing. Would love to have you stop by!

OK, time for me to pop in here, like I have said in the past, I lerk around the Forum and not say much. Elliot sorry to hear about all your medical problems. I hope you can make the trip east this fall, I would like to meet up with you if you go to Henning's, they are just up the rail line SEPTA from where I work. Now back to the present typic, back in 72 I was a tech man with a musical group that worked with American Motors introducing the buyer protection plan to the Dealers and showing them the new 73 year models. On one leg of the trip we used the "Badger" Ferry. We slept on the deck, it still carried RR cars back then and I remember some how seeing them in the bottom of the ferry. On that trip we used all kinds of travel, it was the first time I flew also. Oh well balanced k to work.


Last edited by redball342

The wife and I made it to Wisconsin and attended the Menards show Saturday. Great show but the real highlight was being able to get to Elliot's that night for a great evening. Only a small number of people came but those that did were treated to a delicious picnic and then an evening of seeing his great layout. Although the pics he posts are good the experience of seeing all that has been done in  person are jaw dropping. It is going to be one fantastic layout when he is done. Shirley and I had a great time. It was a pleasure to meet you and Tammy in person. The two of you are down to earth people and gracious hosts. Thanks for doing this for forum members. Paul and Shirley

My wife and I rode the Badger back in 2012. At that time, their future was uncertain, as they were the last coal burning ship on the Great Lakes. The EPA was giving them a hard time because they were still dumping the ash in the lake. Obviously, they worked something out, because they're still running.

The Badger started life as a C&O Rail ferry that also carried passengers and their cars across the lake. I also rode across the lake in the late 60's with my parents.At that time there was more than one ship in the fleet. 

Everyone seems to complain about driving through Chicago. I've only had a couple of heavy traffic experiences, and I've been through there at least a dozen times. Timing is everything, and route choice makes a difference too. .Maybe the reason we miss a lot of the traffic is that we always spend at least one night there. We also stay in Naperville, in the southwest burbs. We swing wide on I-39 and stop at Rochelle to watch trains, then come in on 88. If we are continuing to the east, we try to get out early and beat the rush. Once we round the corner on 294 to head south to 80, it's smooth sailing.

Mark - There's a new potential wrinkle to this trip that could kill the whole thing. We have to make sure that my dialysis is covered 100% or we can't go. The trip is going to be expensive enough without that. I'm surprised that you haven't been to Steamtown. If I lived in the same state, I'd have been there long ago, but then that's just me,

645 - I always tell people to stay in Hudson when they come to visit me, mainly because I live right across the river.

Jim - Not all of the cabs on the remaining Big Boys are accessible. Omaha and Cheyenne are not. St Louis and Denver are. Don't know about Frisco. My guess is that it is, being that it's a museum setting. If we are able to take the trip we have planned, we will hit Scranton as a side trip out of Philly. We will be taking the southern route on the Pennsylvania Turnpike to get there, and will be heading south from there.

Redball - Henning's is on my list to visit. If everything goes as planned, I will be there on Friday October 5th, probably around 7, and hang out til close. Looking forward to meeting you and as many other forum members as can be rounded up that evening.

Paul - It was an absolute pleasure meeting you and Shirley. That was such a fun evening. Great stories and conversation, and the layout behaved quite well for company. A real bonus. I'm glad you made the trip, and enjoyed yourselves. The only downside of the evening was that I made too much food. I'll be eating leftovers all week. I'm anxious to see your pictures, because I was too busy hosting to take any. I also want a little perspective on what you as a viewer found interesting. I see this thing all the time, so I can't really judge it the way a guest does.

Big_Boy_4005 posted:
Redball - Henning's is on my list to visit. If everything goes as planned, I will be there on Friday October 5th, probably around 7, and hang out til close. Looking forward to meeting you and as many other forum members as can be rounded up that evening.

I hope you do make it, I'd personally love to meet you in person, you're kinda' "larger than life" around here.  You are on a one man crusade to build the biggest personal layout I know of.

gunrunnerjohn posted:
Big_Boy_4005 posted:
Redball - Henning's is on my list to visit. If everything goes as planned, I will be there on Friday October 5th, probably around 7, and hang out til close. Looking forward to meeting you and as many other forum members as can be rounded up that evening.

I hope you do make it, I'd personally love to meet you in person, you're kinda' "larger than life" around here.  You are on a one man crusade to build the biggest personal layout I know of.

Ditto here! It would be a great way to build the excitement leading up to York!


UP 4018a 1 the price of admissionHello Elliot

     A very large and grateful thank you to Tammy and you for your hospitality last Saturday. Bringing some non train guests was fun as to see their reaction to your layout. They could not nor I say enough positive things about about our visit. Your creation is amazing to say the least. I was so taken by it that only a few pictures were exist. So lame!  Fellow members Paul, his wife Shirley and Dave were a treat to meet. The best though was the hospitality and your patience in explaining any question.  I am posting all but the last one is my son and I in Texas about 35 years ago. Wow HE has changed a lot. Thank you again 

 b 2 eyes everywherec 3d 4e 5f 6g 7 Dave and Pauli 8.1j 8.2k 9.0l 9.1m 9.2 a small amount of supplies


Images (15)
  • a 1 the price of admission
  • b 2 eyes everywhere
  • c 3
  • d 4
  • e 5
  • f 6
  • g 7 Dave and Paul
  • h 7.1
  • h 8.
  • i 8.1
  • j 8.2
  • k 9.0
  • l 9.1
  • m 9.2 a small amount of supplies
  • UP 4018
Last edited by Ray Marion

Impressive! Wish the layout was closer!! Elliot are light bulbs led as they look hot, any reason you did not go with recessed can lights ? I’m sensing an Entertainment 2 rehash or at least an OGR video with the same title = in blu ray, bring on the popcorn! And keep the video at $1 OGR,  😂.

Last edited by Seacoast

Thanks for all the well wishes guys. Here's a status update on the toe and the trip.

The toe is going to come off. I met with the surgeon yesterday. If it wasn't for the trip, I'd delay taking that action as the soft tissue is healing pretty well. The problem is that the bone is infected, and may never recover. The best course is to get removed and closed up. This will make the trip better too. The worst part of this thing is going to be having to stay off it for two weeks afterwards, with the foot elevated above my heart for 21 hours a day. No trains for two weeks, sucks.

The trip has a couple things that need to be resolved before it gets the green light. Of course, the toe, but I have to find out if my insurance will pay for dialysis on the road. I never thought twice about that, and just assumed they would. Monday, the insurance coordinator made her monthly rounds at dialysis, and I told her about the trip. That's when she warned me about the possibility. I need to call them, but I need find out exactly which clinics I'll be landing at. My wife and I have a list of preferred clinics scoped out, but there's no guarantee that they'll have openings when I need and want them. Sure makes life more interesting, but not in a good way. 

John - Thanks, I would also consider you to be larger than life. I'm excited by the prospect of finally meeting y you in person. You've helped so many people around here with electrical issues, myself included. The super chuffer isn't really my thing, since I don't do much steam. However, Dale's booster is a real godsend. I can't run my layout without it. I've given it some thought, and see my contribution to this community coming in a couple areas. So many people have said that I motivate them. The other thing is a lot of experience that I'm willing to take the time to share.

JHZ563 - Love those pictures! I'm beginning to wonder if everyone who has ever visited the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay has taken those pictures. It might be a fun topic to start on its own.

Ray - That was a fun evening, I just wish you could have stayed longer. Thank you for coming. I love your photos, and I don't normally quote pictures en mass, but I'd like to provide some captions for everyone's benefit. Again, it's always fun for me to see the layout through the visitor's eyes. Don't feel bad that you didn't get more pictures. It's difficult when you're overwhelmed. I've had it happen so many times when visiting layouts.

This first one was the subject of some discussion the other night on the topic of Big Boys. This is Ray and his now grown son, when they lived down in Texas.

UP 4018

Darlander (Dave) brought me this little gift. A friend of his came across one of my old enterTRAINment coupons from 25 years ago. Dave framed it, and presented it back to me. I love it!

a 1 the price of admission

When I  power up the layout, the security cameras come on. There were some small gasps of amazement from the guests.

b 2 eyes everywhere

Using Google maps, I'm giving a short geography lesson of the railroad before starting the train.

c 3

Starting the train on its 15 minute journey around the room.

d 4

Using the cab-1 antenna as a pointer, I indicate that the train is heading up the big helix on its way to Red Wing.

e 5

I took the train around twice, once eastbound and once westbound. This is during the eastbound run, as the train rounds the corner at Northtown.

f 6

Dave on the left and Paul on the right, standing in aisle 3 next to Dayton's Bluff.

g 7 Dave and Paul

The train emerges from the helix at Red Wing. Take a look at my feet. This may be the last look you get of my toe.

i 8.1

Everyone gathers in aisle 1 as the Builder goes through Cottage Grove.

j 8.2

I really love these next two. Low angle close ups make the trains look so real. This is at Western Avenue. BTW, that ballast is chicken grit sifted to the correct size.

k 9.0

A similar picture taken over at the Hiawatha Milling District.

l 9.1

This is my stash of scenic supplies.

m 9.2 a small amount of supplies

George - I wish I lived closer to the train population too, but Minnesota has always been my home. The lights are all LED's and they aren't hot at all. I wouldn't have been able to do this with incandescent lighting because of power consumption and heat. Can lighting wouldn't work, because of the multiple decks. The lower deck would be way too dark, and a can light doesn't have much coverage at close distance. I guess you could call it enterTRAINment 2, but this layout is almost the antithesis of that one. Everything is different the second time around.

Bob - Ray did take some nice shots that I couldn't take.

Brian - Love to have you visit. I'd be happy to help you plan the trip. I have a lot of train related suggestions.


Thank you Ray for all the photographs, and Elliot for all the captions!

Paul, I saw you right away in the photograph!  Again, I'm glad you were able to make th trip!!

Elliot, My wife often had travelers at the dialysis center she worked at many moons ago.  My uncle did quite a bit of travelling while on dialysis over a number of years!  He passed on last year at age 88 or 89.  I sure hope your insurance will pay for it for you too!!!

Biggest thanks to Tammy for encouraging Elliot to continue on this great project and for opening your home to all us other train nuts!!

Mark Boyce posted:

Thank you Ray for all the photographs, and Elliot for all the captions!

Paul, I saw you right away in the photograph!  Again, I'm glad you were able to make th trip!!

Elliot, My wife often had travelers at the dialysis center she worked at many moons ago.  My uncle did quite a bit of travelling while on dialysis over a number of years!  He passed on last year at age 88 or 89.  I sure hope your insurance will pay for it for you too!!!

Biggest thanks to Tammy for encouraging Elliot to continue on this great project and for opening your home to all us other train nuts!!

Mark, I’m always impressed with your insightgul posts and optimism. All the best. 

Seacoast posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Thank you Ray for all the photographs, and Elliot for all the captions!

Paul, I saw you right away in the photograph!  Again, I'm glad you were able to make th trip!!

Elliot, My wife often had travelers at the dialysis center she worked at many moons ago.  My uncle did quite a bit of travelling while on dialysis over a number of years!  He passed on last year at age 88 or 89.  I sure hope your insurance will pay for it for you too!!!

Biggest thanks to Tammy for encouraging Elliot to continue on this great project and for opening your home to all us other train nuts!!

Mark, I’m always impressed with your insightgul posts and optimism. All the best. 

George, Thank you very much!!!  I appreciate your comment!!

The progress continues to amaze me.  I almost got to see your layout a few years ago but it didn't work out.  Hope to do it the next time I'm up that way.  Best of luck with the medical issues.

A couple of asides...

I've seen the Big Boy at Green Bay several times - mid 70s, 80s, 90s, and last week.  When I visited back in the mid-70s, one of the volunteers said that they had fired the boiler up and had hopes of making it run.  It was just a dream back then, and with the changes in regulations, it's a complete fantasy now.

For anyone who is trying to drive to central Wisconsin or Minnesota coming from the east, a good way to avoid Chicago is to head over to I-39 and go north.  Depending on how far south you're coming from, take I-74 or I-80 to I-39.  The nav system will tell you that it's an additional 30 miles, but unless you're passing through Chicago in the middle of the night, you will save time, and you'll save a lot of tolls.  

Mark Boyce posted:
briansilvermustang posted:

            GREAT photos everyone !!!     layout looks awesome Elliot

                                          LIKE your shirt too Elliot !  


Yes it is a great one!!  Is that Joe McDoaks on Paul’s shirt?

Bingo Mark! Took me most of the evening before I noticed. It's kind of subtle. Takes a "well trained" eye.

Bob - It was great meeting you at the show. I didn't spend that long there, and you seemed very busy. Next time you come to the Cities, let me know, and you'll get the tour and some much quieter face time.

Dave - Great picture, but we goofed. We should have had one of the women get all four of us in one.

Mark - I hope I can still do this trip. The toe has me in serious doubt. I heard back from the scheduler for the surgeon yesterday. He wants me to have the vascular procedure done first, but time is running out. I can't be laid up when it's time for the convention. I'm beginning to think I may keep the toe until after the trip, but that has its problems too. The devil you know vs the devil you don't. From a very early age, I've been something of a showman. I love having people visit. I'm glad she talked me into continuing this project.

Bruce - That's exactly what the Genesis engines are. Lionel never did any to my knowledge. I don't like buying MTH engines and paying for their electronics, only to rip them out. I don't have DCS and never will, and can't run conventional (no voltage control).

Ed - Thanks, but like the title implies, there some downsides from time to time.

Paul - I love all the pictures. You were very systematic going all around all four aisles getting shots, and even looking inside the small helix. You didn't get cheated on this visit. Well done.

Mallard - Thanks, I'll push through all this medical stuff, I've had worse. I was really bummed that you missed out when you were up here a few years ago. On the bright side there will be a lot more done when you do get here.

Jim - It's always a bit of a dilemma whether to savor the moment, or try to capture it for later. I said this earlier, it happens to me too.

Elliot, Paul sure did a great job showing your layout! But I sure hope you take care of your health so we can see this wonderful layout keep going! I know  the trip is important, but as Mark said it will be there next year! Plus buy then you only have 9 things to visit as you count them on your fingers and toes!

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