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Fantastic John!
John...that is a beautiful layout...very well done with a lot of nice scenes. Can you tell us more about it??
Very nice
My favorite is the circus area and carnival rides.
I was cleaning out my computer's photo cache this afternoon, and came across these photos. I took them about five years ago, just after the gentleman who built it had passed away. He was a good friend, and the person that got me back into trains in the late '80's.
This layout is U-shaped, wired in blocks and powered by a couple ZWs, with smaller PW transformers for accessories. He added TMCC when it came out. He had built a number of animations. There was a lineman that would go up and down a pole, a kid diving into a lake, a fisherman pulling a fish out of a creek...things like that. I don't have pictures of those, unfortunately. The porcelain buildings that are found throughout the layout were both fired and painted by his wife and mother-in-law.
What is the status of the layout now? I am asking because I always wonder about the demise of layouts after the owner/builder/operator passes on.
What is the status of the layout now? I am asking because I always wonder about the demise of layouts after the owner/builder/operator passes on.
The layout still exists, and is in the hands of the adult son and his family.
Wow, impressive diverse layout . Glad to see his son and family is keeping that gentleman's legacy going. A tribute to the work and dedication that went into creating it!
That looks like a colorful and fun place. Love the B&O A-B units. Thanks for posting!