Recently fellow OGRR forum member Roundhouse Bill conducted an interview with representatives from MTH and Lionel concerning the status and future of the S gauge product line from both manufacturers.
The interview was published in the July/August 2015 issue. I will not reproduce any of the interview here as it is the copyrighted property of the publisher. If you have not read the article I suggest you buy or borrow (like I did) a copy as it is in my view very thorough and does shed new light on the future of our chosen scale of trains.
In short, I found the article terrific.
Here are my conclusions about the responses of the representatives.
1. Is pleased with the response to date of its currently released products.
2. Plans to issue new versions (paint schemes) of freight cars and engines from original SHS tooling.
3. Will issue a new multi-year catalog after currently catalogued items have been released.
4. Will offer "scale" products in quantities proportionate to the % of "scale" operators in the S gauge world.
5. Will issue "S" sized buildings and structures from stocks of those in the "O" product lines if appropriately sized.
6. Explained the reason for the delay of delivery of engines catalogued in 2013...r/c coupler problems.
7. Understands that layouts built from currently available track stock and anticipated stock (turnouts) are limited in scope. Projects that additional expansion of the track product line is likely.
8. Projects that future expansion of the product line will be based/weighted on customer response (purchases).
9. Will possibly consider attending "S" events but more likely will continue to display product at multi-gauge events.
10. Plans to attract new customers to "S" with ready to run sets with an included "simple" remote control allowing access to "command mode" without the need to buy the full DCS system. (This is also currently done in many entry level O gauge sets)
11. Will not look solely to other product lines for ideas for possible future "S" releases.
1. Overall it appears that Lionel is heavily weighing future product on the success of the Flyer Chief releases.
2. Has scaled back Legacy releases in favor of Flyer Chief releases.
3. Was not overtly positive about future "scale" releases but is "considering" possible "modern" car releases.
4. Future track offerings will remain in the Fastrack line of track.
5. Doesn't plan to issue Legacy controlled accessories but will consider "S" accessories similar to "O" Plug 'n Play.
6. Plans to offer the Polar Express set in "S" gauge on a continuing basis.
7. Has "discussed" the addition of a smaller steam or switcher engine.
8. Will probably continue to attend "Multi-Gauge" events that allow them to showcase all product lines.
9. Will possibly offer future "S" ready to run sets when the track system is fully implemented and available.
Comparing apples and apples I viewed the MTH responses to Bill's questions as a little more revealing than the Lionel responses.
Both manufacturers mostly predict future possible product release on customer acceptance of current product.
To me that translates into "If you buy it we will build it".
What I would really like to see is "If we catalogue it will you order it?"
Lack of orders on a product would rightly call for its deletion in the product line.
However lack of orders for a known problematic item (like the proposed scale wheelset/trucks on the Lionel 57' reefers) should not constitute a justification for deletion of the product in total.
In the case of the 57' reefers had they been catalogued with the revised high rail trucks i believe they would have had a positive response and many preorders.
Again I suggest you obtain a copy of the interview and form your own conclusions.
All of the above are MY conclusions.