This year I cannot make York. When it came time to plan it there was too much uncertainty with my job and I was dealing with the death of one parent and the impending death of the other
I did buy the York pass knowing full well that the odds were against me going. So am I terribly bummed and upset I am not going. Nope..
First of all, I have my wife and kids and we made it through the year healthy and together so I can't complain about that
Also in the past few days I have received a couple calls and messages from people I only know from here and from York, who have figured out I was not going to be able to make it and have let me know I will be missed. They have promised to keep me informed of what goes on and even threatened a few phone calls from the event.
Since there is not much I really need in the train dept right now, the fact that I have friends who will be thinking of me and keep me informed is the next best thing to being there and will take care of my York Buzz for this year