I am having a problem with getting to many e-mails from the forum ,before i got e-mails when i put a post on the forum & members would respond ,or when i would respond to someone else's post ,now i am getting e-mails from every forum ,one's that i have no interest in at all ,it wasn't like this before ,i know about primary notifications & settings in my profile what i don't know is which boxes do i need to check ,or uncheck to get only the e-mails that from when members respond to my post & when i respond to someone else's posts ,can someone walk me through the process & tell me which boxes to check ,or uncheck ? ,Two days ago i got over 100 e-mails from the forum ,99% i had no interest in at all ,i don't think i got that many e-mails in a year before they made this change to crowdstack . HELP !!!!
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Under the update profile menu, you have selected notifications, then select
notification settings, then Primary Notifications, and in that screen, make your choices and when finished go to the bottom of the screen and click SUBMIT
That takes you back to the main notifications page and be sure your method of delivery is correct, then click UPDATE SETTINGS
TEDW ,Perfect just what i was looking for ,i didn't know which boxes to check ,as i have never had to deal with this before ,it's all done as you suggested ,now i will wait & see what happens .
Thank you for such a detailed response !!!!!!!
I also printed out your response for future reference .
Ted...you did a great job explaining this and beat the OGR team in the answer...thanks!
I think Ted is looking for a job in forum support.
He's got my vote ,your hired Ted !!!!!!!!!!
Excellent work, Ted!