I noted today a new thing relating to the title of the thread popping up at the top of the browser window once you scroll past the top.
This is a mess when you have a large thread title. (images attached for reference, using this thread as the example). For that particular thread, it even does it at the top of the thread, but doesn't seem to do it for threads with shorter titles.
I happen to be using Firefox (latest) on a Windows box.
Side note/rant, this is not the first site I've seen such a thing. A certain large news site started something similar recently, and it's just as annoying (maybe even more so) there. Anything that removes from the area I can read the actual content by "popping down" something is a major negative, IMO. We may as well just go to browsers with one line for text and the rest an ad that doesn't move. How far we've come from things normally being improvements in web design. Sorry, side rant now turned off.