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I recently came across a new site on youtube called "New London CT, Railcam". For those of you need a daily dose of Acelas, Acs's, Amfleets and M8's, check it out. I think there are also some P&W freights through there at night. The cam is live 24/7 and is setup just west of the station, facing west, overlooking the approach to the bridge at Shaws Cove. Also there are grade crossings both east and west of the camera so there is plenty of horn action and you will know that something will be in view shortly. You can check with Amtrak's "Intercity Rail Map" site to get updated train locations and station stop times.     Earl G.

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Thanks for sharing that, Earl… haven’t thought about New London in quite a while - I lived in New London between ‘72 & ‘74 (can’t believe it’s been 50 years ). No Acelas back then, but took some early Amtrak trains to and from NYC occasionally. I was fortunate to ride the Turbo Train on a couple of occasions. I vaguely remember the interesting old train station down on Water Street. It’s doesn’t appear in the feed since the camera is a bit west of the station, so I had to do some digging to see if it was still there. Luckily, it still stands and has be renovated twice - first in a kitschy mid 70’s style which was dumped in the early 2000’s for a return to its original style. Thanks for that trip down memory lane!!!

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