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Some exciting news here at Millhouse. Here is a short video of our New Indexing System on our New Transfer Table. This system works on both our Transfer tables and our Turntables. Unlimited track positions can be programed and at whatever track spacing your layout requires. No need to make your layout tracks fit pre-determined track degrees of other indexing units. Place your tracks as close or far apart as needed. This system also has automatic speed steps for the motor speed to simulate a drum controller. Depending on how far away the destination track is, the bridge will speed up through steps (creep, slow, med. & fast until the 1/2 way point then it will begin stepping down until it reaches destination track. With our system we are able to continue to use our time tested drive system and great low speed performance while still delivering incredible indexing. Check out this video I posted to give you a sample of how they work.


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Originally Posted by CSX Al:

Thanks guys. It has taken some time but we are really happy with the results. One other thing I forgot to mention earlier was that shortly you will also be able to control the indexer via TMCC remote control.

If I got the indexing system now, would it be upgradable when you come out with TMCC option?  Or will it be a different module.

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