JD, Thank you for the copy of Ace's plan. I miss Ace. Looking at Dave's rendition a few hours later, I see a lot of similarities. We have considered the idea of staging/holding yards underneath, and I am going to pass on that idea. I think I would rather pull cars and engines off the shelf or build roll out/slide out shelves or drawers as John suggested a few months ago. Thank you.
William and Rich, You raise a good point as we all acknowledge no matter how much thinking and planning we do, we will make changes, perhaps major changes, once we get at it. One thing I can say is that I have never been comfortable with the pop up access holes. That said, the latest plan before yesterday needs revamped before moving forward. As an aside over the summer and fall, I didn't have time to start construction anyway. I do plan to start right after the first of the year. Thank you very much for your 'prodding'.
John, At lunch time today I was fiddling with the latest plan Dave posted yesterday, trying again to give the turntable idea a fair shot. What I see is that a turntable and a holding track for an engine takes up 1/3 of 2 of my 3 walls. I even put the turntables one in the corner, and the other next to the small door, and folded the engine tracks back but that cuts in on the sidings where he thinks I'm going to build trains. I want to put in some buildings, so I don't want to fill the space with track. While the balloon loops do extend pretty far from the walls, I think we can adjust everything to have pretty good access. Even if I had a whole basement to work with and ran point to point, I would always provide some kind of continuous running. Yes, I could get my continuous running fix in the next room on my Ceiling Central RR. I spent too many years crawling on the floor and squeezing into electronic equipment cabinets and frames, that my knees bark back at me at the slightest hint of getting on the floor. I also have trouble straightening back up. I am afraid it will not get better, and will only get worse.
Dave sent me an e-mail a while ago with a possible change to the plan he posted yesterday. He did that to see if he was on a track I liked before developing it further. I think it is a pretty good plan to get me going.
I do honestly appreciate everyone's comments, and thought them all over again since yesterday. Thank you so much!!