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@Mark Boyce posted:

Thank you Pallalin and Keith!

Mine is only 4 5/8" from the top of the rail to the roof of the tunnel.  I can gain another 1/2" putting it at 5 1/8" if I take out the Homasote.  I'm not going to run any modern rolling stock either, but I think I would like a little more clearance!


I have a passing siding that runs under an overhead mainline. It will only have 4 1/2" clearance. I just bought an MTH 44 tonner that should clear.

@Mark Boyce posted:

Andy, Thank you!!  It would be nice to buy all new top of the line wood products, but then I wouldn't have the cash to buy the rest of the track I need!  It will all be covered with scenery, so as long as it is structurally sound, it doesn't matter if it is a mix match.  I am rather OCD, but after 35 years married and raising 2 daughters, all far messier than me, I can live with the mix match!  

Your layout is coming along nicely, and I like your backdrop (being the native of the Alleghenies that I am). And I absolutely agree about the structural supports and roadbed that will eventually be hidden by scenery: as long as they are well-engineered, solid, and built to last, does it really matter what they look like? 

Thank you, Pat, Keith, Lew, Bruce, Bob!

Yes the backdrop does add a lot!  I purchased it from OGR Forum member George 'G3750' who is building his PRR Panhandle Division 2.0.  George had this backdrop painted by an artist for his 1.0 version.  In conversing with him, I determined it would just about cover my space.  I have a 40-inch section of brick wall between the big window that was the back window of the house before this addition was built and the door.  I have a big sheet of hardboard primed white and will get my artist daughter to help me pick colors.  I will work on that one myself.  Since it will be separated from the rest of the backdrop by 48 inches whatever difference in style and texture shouldn't be noticeable.  This photograph from 3 years ago shows the section of wall between the window and door I will still need to cover.  Yes this project has been going on for over 3 years.

 2017-04-02 12.26.59

Keith, I agree the 44-Tonner should be fine on the passing siding.  None of my diesels are over 4 inches and they are all scale.

Lew, Yes I need a whole lot of fudge factor!!  With no precision tools and with arthritis and tendonitis, I can measure a hundred times and still cut wrong.  For precision cuts, I have reverted to the old hand saw and take it very slowly.  I can't control the circular saw or saber saw like I once did.  They are okay for rough cuts.

Bruce, There is one place I want to put another brace under, but everything else won't budge no matter how hard I put my weight on it.  Fortunately, I am almost done with the scratch-built benchwork.  I have Mianne like you see in the photograph with the cedar shims to use for the brick wall and other extension into the room to get to where the lift up bridges will be.  


Images (1)
  • 2017-04-02 12.26.59
Last edited by Mark Boyce
@Mark Boyce posted:

Thank you, Pat, Keith, Lew, Bruce, Bob!


I can't control the circular saw or saber saw like I once did.  They are okay for rough cuts.


Me too.  My youngest son cut most of the 1/4" ply sub-roadbed.  I did the marking, as he didn't understand the layout. He's great to work with. Very patient; let's me lead, even though I kept saying Wait, No, Um, not sure, etc. 

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum; the OGR Forum, that is!

When I last communicated, I was going to undercut the lower level track through my short tunnel before doing anything else.  Well last Monday my wife was working on cleaning out a bunch of items we had saved for my recently deceased aunt, memorabilia from our girls' youth, and other items.  She got herself into a corner with boxes everywhere, so I decided to finish disassembling the Blackwater Canyon Line Layout C I had started in the adjacent family room to give her a sorting/transition area.  That however left me in a bind, with so much material, I was afraid the 11x11 room would burst.  I took all week moving plywood, Homasote, hardboard, dimensional lumber, foam, etcetera, etcetera....

I decided I had better build as much of the Mianne benchwork against the brick wall as I had parts for, cover it with plywood, put in a plywood shelf, store material on the shelf, and get the rest of the hardboard backdrop in place before tackling the undercutting in the tunnel.  Here are the results.  I do need a few more Mianne parts (1 40-inch leg, several 24-inch I beams, and some hardware), but the bulk of it is ready.  The section of Mianne with the shelf storing material is complete.  The side that shows in the second photograph is incomplete, in need of the parts above, but gives a good idea of what space the layout will take.

2020-05-16 16.54.232020-05-16 16.54.57

Yesterday, I had the time to remove the Homasote from under the track in the tunnel, and now I have plenty of headroom; I hope.

2020-05-16 18.20.342020-05-16 18.19.01

There is also plenty of side clearance for my longest engines, the two H9s and cars, the Heavyweights.

Flash forward to today.  I'm minding my own business, and MrMuffin sent me a 'Make an Offer' email.  He has never had anything I wanted in those, but today he had one Legacy Western Maryland 2-6-6-2 from the 2018 C1 Big Book available.  I made what I thought was a ridiculously low offer, and shortly received a counter at only $100 more than my offer.  My wife said since I got money from my aunt's estate, why not buy it?  So I did.  I know, purists would say that isn't exactly the locomotive Western Maryland had.  I don't care!  I like it!  

So now besides revisiting the side clearance once the 2-6-6-2 arrives, I need to make a variation on the SCARM plan D.  I was going to stick with H9s as the largest locomotive thinking I wouldn't buy anything larger.  There are three 042 curves that need widened to 054.  There is actually room to do this as I lay some 054 track on the layout.  I have a bunch of lightly used Ross 064 track that I think I got when I bought the Ross 054 used.  I never noticed that half of what I thought was 054 was actually 064.  Maybe whoever I bought it from didn't notice it either.  So I have a bunch of 042 and 064 I won't need, but need more 054.  I think I got it right.  It's a good thing the telecom company I last worked for pushed the early retirement my way.  I get so mixed up anymore.     On the other hand, it is all good!  It makes me work my mind more.  Yea!  That's it!  


Images (4)
  • 2020-05-16 16.54.23
  • 2020-05-16 16.54.57
  • 2020-05-16 18.20.34
  • 2020-05-16 18.19.01
Last edited by Mark Boyce

Keith, Thank you and congratulations on your recent purchases!

Dave, Thank you!!  I put some of the backdrop up last weekend, and the rest yesterday,  As the one photograph shows, I need to fill in some painting that wasn't needed on the original owner's layout.  I also have a 24-inch wide section on the other side of the room to do.  I'll get my artist daughter to help me select colors and brushes, then I'll have a go at filling in what is needed.  It won't be much since I will have hills and buildings in front of those two sections.  Then you are right, I will need to match things up with the three dimensional scenery.  Those things will be fun for me.  I don't really like the construction of the benchwork and alligning everything up for the roadbed.  Scenery is much more free flowing.

Lance, Thank you very much!!  Yes, I think it is a plan!  My 042 curved track sections are all GarGraves.  Some have never been used, and others have a couple holes drilled for screws on the family room Blackwater Canyon Line rev C.  None have any glue or ballast on them.  I will take inventory and photographs and let you know what I have to see if you can use them.

Bob, Thank you for the encouragement!

Tom, Thank you!  I'm glad to hear all the good words about your 2-6-6-2.  

Leandro, Thank you very much!!

ScoutingDad, here is the SCARM plan and the file.  I roughly overlaid the gray 054 curve sections to quickly show what I'm doing.  I can expand the three inner curves and tangents outward to get them farther from the corners.  I don't want to go too close to the outer loop because as you can see, my scenery plan is to put the Blackwater Canyon in between.  The long gray bar on the right edge is a sliding glass door to the patio.  The shorter gray bar in the lower right is the door leading to the rest of the basement.  The yellow section will be the liftout bridges for easy access.  I'm pushing 64, and have no interest in duckunders.  

Back to the drawingboard 2020-05-17


Mark,  looks like it will be fun operating the line.  I cannot quite see the elevation marks at each track section. I assume the tunnel track has your lowest elevation and the bridge over section has the highest - everything flows up or down from there? I am surprised some of the grades are pushing 4% - I figure you have about 17 feet on the inner loop - with a 6 inch rise is just shy of a 3% grade; with a 4 inch rise is under 2% ; the outer loop would be even more gradual.  Jeff 

BTW we young guys have to stick together - we are probably a couple of months apart ; )  

Jeff, I tested each of my engines at the time pulling 4% grades and maybe 6% as well quite a while back, and they had no problem with I forget how many cars.  I was satisfied it wouldn't be a problem.  Forum member DoubleDAZ Dave did a lot of the SCARM work for me, especially the grades, so I took his word for it.

I am glad to know you are another young guy!  

Morning Mark, Took me awhile to get up to speed on your layout build and I have to say your doing a wonderful job! The backdrops look perfect and your track work is outstanding! Its nice that you have folks like Tom Tee and others to bounce ideas off of. I hope you will post photos of your new engine when you receive it. 

I will try to do better keeping up on your build as it looks like its going to be a fun layout to run! 

Take care and be safe, but most of all keep having fun on your layout build!

Mike, I'm glad to hear from you.  I was thinking about you yesterday, knowing you were working on the house to prepare for the new roof, and probably other things.

Thank you for the compliments on the benchwork, track, and backdrops.  The artist that George (G3750) had paint the backdrops did a great job, and I was pleased how I was able to cut portions to fit my room.

I will certainly post photographs of the 2-6-6-2 after it arrives.  It was shipped out from central Indiana yesterday, so I should have it later this week.  To me, it is a once in a lifetime purchase! One of those deals you don't often come across!  

I'm having fun, and I am getting more enthused as I progress!  I guess that is what it is all about!!

I will look forward to seeing you get back to work on your layout when time permits.

Wow, I’ve been playing on the OGR Forum for many years and it just dawned on me that this entire thread is about your nice layout, which is evolving into a really neat showpiece. Blackwater Canyon Line, a nice name for a model railroad, is so unique. Your track plan is nice, congratulations on your new Locomotive that’s on the way, and I like the backdrop very much. Now, for a 11 by 11 size pike, it’s going to be jam packed with action everywhere, so cool. To me, it’s not the size of one’s layout that counts, it’s the quality of the work involved, great track work, great wiring, neat scenic detailing, and fun to run trains. You have a very neat plan, thanks for showing your progress and ideas. Happy Railroading 

@Mark Boyce posted:

Leandro, Thank you very much!!

ScoutingDad, here is the SCARM plan and the file.  I roughly overlaid the gray 054 curve sections to quickly show what I'm doing.  I can expand the three inner curves and tangents outward to get them farther from the corners.  I don't want to go too close to the outer loop because as you can see, my scenery plan is to put the Blackwater Canyon in between.  The long gray bar on the right edge is a sliding glass door to the patio.  The shorter gray bar in the lower right is the door leading to the rest of the basement.  The yellow section will be the liftout bridges for easy access.  I'm pushing 64, and have no interest in duckunders.  

Back to the drawingboard 2020-05-17

Hey Mark, looking good.   The lift out section will be much better than a duck under.  

Mark, just thinking about your layout plan. I see you have a couple of passing sidings along the right side.  You might want to consider adding a siding (or two) along the left side.  I know there is the issue of too much track, but I ended up adding sidings and passing tracks simply so I could keep my engines and rolling stock on the rails and not on a shelf. I do have them wired so I can keep the power off when not being used. Some of my passenger trains are 6 to 7 feet long making it challenging figuring out where they can wait to be be ready to run.  This is where the Ross 72 / 54 curved switches might come in handy in your corners. I wish I had the room for a decent freight yard.  Jeff    

Larry, Thank you!!  Sometimes I don't realize what I am looking at either.  John Coy was the one to suggest the name Blackwater Canyon Line.  Way back on Page 1 in January 2017 he suggested modeling a section of the prototype Western Maryland Railway in West Virginia including the Black Fork Grade, up Blackwater Canyon.  Unbeknownst to him, I had planned and started to build an HO layout back in the late '90s that included that very prototype.  That layout was in a bigger room, so with HO, I was going to model scenes from Elkins, West Virginia to Cumberland, Maryland.  Well I got more busy with two growing daughters, then we moved to be closer to the Christian School where we had enrolled them.  The layout came down, and here I am over 20 years later trying to squeeze an O gauge layout into half the space.  

Dan, Thank you!  Yes at 63 ducking is a nuisance, and now I have trouble keeping my balance when doing something like that.  

@ScoutingDad posted:

Mark, just thinking about your layout plan. I see you have a couple of passing sidings along the right side.  You might want to consider adding a siding (or two) along the left side.  I know there is the issue of too much track, but I ended up adding sidings and passing tracks simply so I could keep my engines and rolling stock on the rails and not on a shelf. I do have them wired so I can keep the power off when not being used. Some of my passenger trains are 6 to 7 feet long making it challenging figuring out where they can wait to be be ready to run.  This is where the Ross 72 / 54 curved switches might come in handy in your corners. I wish I had the room for a decent freight yard.  Jeff    

How did you know what I have in inventory that I bought for my earlier plan?  I had to go just now to make sure exactly what they are.  I have one each Ross 72/54 RH and 72/54 LH curved switches.    Those were necessary to make a turn around loop fit in a space that looked larger than it is until planning started on Plan C.  This is Plan D.

We had discussed a few pages back on Plan C (that I started building in the family room a year and a half ago) your very idea for especially keeping engines on the track, so I don't drop one sometime.  I was just moving my engines to a safer spot last week, and realized the two H9s are way heavier than I remembered.  My grip is not what it used to be.  I know once I get the 2-6-6-2 on the track, I won't want to take it back off for storage.  I think it I will have to incorporate your suggestion into the plan.

I will have to work with that some, keeping mind what I have planned for scenic features.  Thank you very much!!

Last edited by Mark Boyce


It's been awhile since I checked in on your layout build.  Congrats on the track plan, the new locomotive, and the benchwork.  It's looking great.  And hey, that backdrop ain't so bad, either.      Actually it looks awesome.  Janice did a **** of a job.  I've got to tell her it has a new life.  She'll get a kick out of that.

Keep up the good work.


I like the idea of adding a long passing siding Mark. Would you be able to add it along the back wall? I know it would crowd the canyon but being able to park a long train would be a worthy compromise to me.

----- OR -------

Would you consider moving the switch on the inner loop to the other side of the lift out and having 3 tracks on the lift out? The limiting factor there would be not being able to keep a train parked and lift out the section.

The 054 curves on the inner loop look good too.


George, Thank you very much!!!  Please do let Janice know it has new life!  She did a great job!!!

You do notice that I don't need it to be as high as she painted it, so I cut of the bottom of the section that had the Ohio River, since I didn't need the wide river.  The hills on that section work out great as the river bent into the background.  I have the river section on the shelf under the new Mianne.  I also have a nice long 1-foot high section of sky that I intend to put above the window in the brick wall to completely cover up the tan brick.  I haven't decided how I will support that.

Bob, Those are all good suggestions.  To pull off the canyon correctly, the slopes have to be steep.  It just occurred to me, I could put a siding there on the slope.  The engine would hold the cars from rolling down.  I plan to make a lot of foam based scenery that I can build at the workbench and remove if I have to get behind or under them.  If the siding is on the uphill side, I could cover it with the mountain before it runs into the backdrop.  That is if I want to make it look single track.

Three tracks on the lift out would be okay.  I think it would be easier to construct and move if I made two liftouts, one for each level.  So I break the train before going out of the layout.  That's prototypical anyway.  The B&O used to have to break trains back home quite often.  I my very humble opinion, they were always stingy on how many F-units they put on the train going uphill from Mars, through Valencia, and to the summit at Bakerstown Station.  They did away with the helper pocket when they went to diesel, so they had to call in helpers if a train stalled.  They would brake the train at Valencia for the road crossing to let cars and trucks through while waiting for a helper.  The tracks were less than a half mile from my home at the bottom of the hill.

Yes, we should have gone with 054 on both loops from the start.  Oh well.  I only have to revise the roadbed on one curve I already put in place.  No big deal.  Now is the time.

Thank you Both!!!

Nice planning there Mark. Been a bit since I got my eyes reading in here. One of the things I have been toying around in my head has been designs. I've been wrestling a long time with it just because I haven't had time, and probably putting too much stuff in the way(meaning in the layout planning). Granted that whatever I do manage to come up with, I would be on paper until a new house, but it's worth the effort to fiddle about coming up with ideas.

I know one of the problems I had was too many turnouts making things cluttered. Maybe I should start with a few ovals and go from there.

Yours is looking better each time I pop in. Can't wait to see the 2-6-6-2.

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