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Thank you, Bill, Richie, Dave, RJ! 

Bill, That is neat you are going to do some interior redecorating!  I have some items in the cart at Berkshire Valley, and lost my selections on Rusty Rail and the other site you sent me.  I got called away and didn't finish.  How often does that happen?   I will greatly appreciate any help you can send me.

Richie, Battleship gray sounds like a good color for a bridge. 

RJ, Excellent point about the name of the layout being Blackwater Canyon!    To solve the question, I could paint it Black and then have a paint crew painting it gray.    Actually, I have never liked that sort of detailed scene.  Maybe it would work on a small bridge, but not a large one.

Dave, I understand completely and will try to get you up to speed.  The single track bridge was already painted silver all over when I bought it.  I just used it as is.  The double track bridge was fully assembled, but not painted when I bought it.  So the black is the typical plastic look and needs painted some color.   Also, if you notice at the lower ends of the unpainted bridge, there are little gray triangular pieces that are unpainted light gray plastic.  I wonder why they would do that.  Anyway, I want to paint the bridge before installing it.  Also, the double track bridge has brown plastic simulated wood grain plastic walkway between the two tracks.  I want to paint that to look like wood.  So it is the whole bridge that needs painted.  Does that answer your question, or am I missing something myself?  That is certainly possible. 

Hi Mark, I would be more than happy to cut everything out for you form what I have.  Are you using the same plan that I am using, or did you have to adjust yours a little? Let me know what size you would like and when the CEO says it is safe to go outside, I will cut it. From the way it looks maybe Thursday as it is suppose to get cooler and she goes back to work so she won't be here to supervise me! LOL

Not missing anything Mark. You got that all covered. Yeah, bridges should have some sort of color to them. I believe during my HO days, my brother and I painted one of our gray bridges though I don't remember what color we used. I'm sure that the colors will look great. I don't know why they would have those unpainted triangle pieces on them, odd for sure.

Mark, the bridge looks great in place. As far as the color, I’m sure you will paint it a flat color. That will take the weathering better. The gray will show the weathering more than the black. But you can also add “rust” and grimy streaks to both. One thing to keep in mind is that the gray will show the black streaks from steam engines on the trusses above the tracks.
I’ve used a flat gray primer from Ace hardware with good results. It’s a user friendly base to work with. I don’t think you can go wrong with either color.


Thank you, Mike, David, Dave, Andy!

Mike, I will send you a personal message about plexiglass.

David, I do agree, the Western Maryland painted bridges black in the steam era.  Yours looks good on the benchwork!

Dave, I'm glad I was able to get you up to speed.  I know since I am on quite a few discussions, if I don't review them I can get lost.

Andy, You are right about the flat paint taking weathering better.  I didn't even think of the tell tail soot that is always on truss bridges and tunnel portals.  If the bridge is black, which David pointed out is correct for the steam era, then the soot weathering wouldn't show up well.

Everyone, I am glad for all the opinions that have been shared.  They have given me a lot to consider.  I have been busy with some outdoor projects this summer.  They have tired me out, but have given me great exercise for building up my back and leg muscles over a year after surgery.  Therefore, I am more in the planning mode than jumping into the project.  I am getting along well, @mike g. 

As an aside, I got a big plastic bin with wheels on one end that my ma-in-law was discarding.  I thought I would put it in the closet under the stairs where I have train boxes stored.  I thought it would be handy to move boxes in and out when I want to sell something or put it in a box for safe keeping.  Well, since there is a set of shelves built into the side of the closet, it doesn't quite fit.    I will be trying out other ideas with my very limited space.  In fact, I am maxed out!!!  If anyone wants to make a trip to Butler, Pennsylvania to take some stuff off my hands, feel free to show up.  I have about 4 posts on the Forum with stuff for sale.  I may be ready to give all of that and some more away! 

Hi Dave!  This evening, I moved the double track bridge back to the shelf for safe keeping.  I need to glue some of the stringers back onto the bottom of the bridge before painting.  I have not purchased paint yet, so that is where it stands.  I do want to get paint and spray it on before it gets cold outside, so I have some time.  Today was only in the 70s, but the humidity was terrible.  Not particularly a nice day for painting.  Yes, we do have other things going on besides trains.  That is unfortunate, because none of those things are fun. 

Last edited by Mark Boyce

I decided to go with black for the bridge.  Thank you for all who contributed.

I sprayed a coat of Rustoleum on the bridge, first upside down to get the parts that could be see with the bridge in the up position.  When dry, I flipped it over and did the rest.  Here it is out in the yard before bringing it in.

2022-07-31 15.27.45

I brush painted the plastic wood grain walkways that go between the tracks.  The color was a mix of craft paint black and burnt sienna.  I can't give proportions since I squirted way too much burnt sienna then black and mixed it to look what appeared to me to be the color of creosote.   

2022-07-31 13.26.06

They were the same brown as the ties on the tracks.  I could try to find a suitable spray paint, mask the rails on the track and spray.  If I can't find anything, I will probably brush paint the ties with a similar mix.

Saturday, I talked with mike g. on the phone about the exact measurements for the Plexiglas supports for both lift up bridges.  He is just another great example of friends on the forum who are glad to help out with projects.  Thank you, Mike!


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  • 2022-07-31 15.27.45
  • 2022-07-31 13.26.06

Thank you, Bill, Dave, Peter, Rich!

Bill, I have a taker on my Lionel Erie Operating Crane, at least I'm waiting on a check.  Everything else is up for grabs, plus some stuff no one knows about yet.

As an aside, I learned a lesson about ordering from the MTH daily emails.  I think it is appropriate to mention here; it affects the layout.  I do not think I have ordered any engines from an MTH preorder or Lionel BTO before.  Well, last year, I saw they were coming out with Premier F3s in the original two tone blue.  I ordered a powered A and unpowered B.  There was a second A in a different engine number offered, but I declined because of both price and the ABA sets overpower my layout.  Three months later they offered a RailKing SD9 in B&O dark blue.  I preordered one, thinking they would arrive months apart.   Though I prefer the Western Maryland, I grew up less than 1/2 mile from the B&O's old Pittsburgh and Western mainline.  There were always trains being pulled by blue F units and later SD7s or SD9s along that route.  They replaced the big Mallets I was just too young to see.  The blue gives some color to my black Western Maryland roster.  In the meantime, our old desktop PC has become a sloth, it is so much worse than a dog.  So, we decided to buy a new Dell laptop.  The credit card bill came last week.  The F3s came one day, and the SD9 came two days later.    So, I paid the laptop today with the money saved for the engines.  I'll pay for the engines with other savings.  The point of the story is, I have enough stuff, I will need to part with some more that I don't use.  Otherwise, I may be have to become a hobo on the now Buffalo and Pittsburgh!! 

Mike just messaged me that he has the plexiglass cut and ready to ship, but needed my address.  It is worth it to have him cut it and pay for him to ship it from the northwest coast to here in Northwestern Pennsylvania!!  Thank you very much, Mike!!!!!

Mark, the bridge looks great! I sometimes mix paints on the fly too, and the results can be pretty good if I’m lucky. I like the black, nice base to work with. Glad Mike was able to help, the forum is full of good folks.
I like you’re accounting too 😉. It’s nice when things you don’t want/need, help pay for something more desirable. I did that recently with an engine on my roster. Keep up the good work Mark, look forward to more progress.


Thank you, Bob and Andy!

Bob, they are nice engines.  I gathered Pat got a huge shipment all at once.

Andy, with a small space there is no sense keeping very many engines and cars.  Unfortunately, there are too many great cars out there.  I mixed up another batch of paint and painted one of the two tracks.  I can’t tell the difference between those ties and the walkway I painted the other day.

Bob, It was repeated mentions of acrylic craft paint here on the forum that convinced me to buy some.  Even with interrupted deliveries the last couple years, the local Michael's store has an immense number of colors to chose from.  On the other hand, why not mix your own as we have done.

I painted the ties on one of the two sections of Atlas track with a similar mix and it looks a lot better.  I'll post a photograph when I have both done.

Your current bridge project just resulted in me ordering one, no two, no heck , let’s order 4! 😂

Side note: after measuring out an area, I decided to add that nicely detailed Woodland Scenics depot you had listed. Unfortunately, that great price got away. I’ll still end up tracking one down because it’s becoming a center piece to a scene I’m envisioning and I’ve already become attached.

Rich, Atlas is going to love you!!    They are really nice bridges.  Are yours all double track or some of each?  Sorry the depot is gone.  It is a really nice model for sure.  I hope you find one for a nice price.

Speaking of the Atlas truss bridges.  Did everyone see Donald Keiser's article series in O Gauge Railroading magazine?  His latest article entitled 'Bridging a Valley' starts on page 45 of Run 325.  The one thing he points out is how Atlas joins the sections with plastic pins.  I noticed this on the single truss bridge, and my only thought was they aren't very realistic looking, but I don't even notice them now.  Don's thought was they looked to be a weak design, so he substituted nylon bolts, washers, and nuts.  I agree the nut's would hold them in place better than the pins, but I haven't had any trouble with them on the single track truss bridge.  I have given thought to putting them on thinking they may look more realistic, but those are very big in 1:48 scale.  Anyway, he makes good use of the truss bridge and two Atlas deck girder bridges in that article.

Wow Mark, page 75 and still growing, you have been busy. I am pleased your using Atlas O bridges, we have here in Tennessee to. We weathered our bridge, however, black is always a great choice. I’ve added a picture of the way we weathered our bridge and we also painted one green, which we walk under when walking around the layout. I love all the fun projects that you’ve shown here on your thread, it’s a fun thread to review. Keep up the great work. Happy Railroading Everyone 420F5231-BACD-487D-ABC1-32B7375FD386DA7353AB-2324-4ED2-8F11-AD714F423B7B16E58D92-5F86-4B29-A7EE-BAAE1AF1B7F791478B8B-2C5F-40A2-8303-47ECD7900F00


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It's amazing what a little paint can do. Nice work. I tried to go back a bit in your thread and read but I'm exhausted. Can the track and decking be disassembled on this bridge? It's been several years since I assembled mines. I know it's fragile and I have not moved mines since it was put on the layout. I was considering painting mines as well and if those sections can come apart that increases the chances of it being done. Again very nicely done.



Last edited by luvindemtrains
@Mark Boyce posted:

Speaking of the Atlas truss bridges.  Did everyone see Donald Keiser's article series in O Gauge Railroading magazine?  His latest article entitled 'Bridging a Valley' starts on page 45 of Run 325.  The one thing he points out is how Atlas joins the sections with plastic pins.  I noticed this on the single truss bridge, and my only thought was they aren't very realistic looking, but I don't even notice them now.  Don's thought was they looked to be a weak design, so he substituted nylon bolts, washers, and nuts.  I agree the nut's would hold them in place better than the pins, but I haven't had any trouble with them on the single track truss bridge.  I have given thought to putting them on thinking they may look more realistic, but those are very big in 1:48 scale.  Anyway, he makes good use of the truss bridge and two Atlas deck girder bridges in that article.

Thanks for the plug Mark. You are doing great!


Thank you, Larry,  I am amazed we are at 75 pages too!  That is because of all the great suggestions, questions, comments, and discussions by all the great folks on this forum lol you!  Your bridges look great!  I like the green one overhead.  I briefly considered green, but it seems the Western Maryland used black and then silver/gray.  I see lots of highway bridges painted green here in Western Pennsylvania.

Dave, thank you!  There are small screws on the underneath of the deck holding the track in place.  It was easy to remove them for painting.  I would take a photograph, but the electric is out this evening, so no light.  I’m sitting on the patio with the smart phone.  Even the lightning bugs went away.

Donald, thank you!  I’m glad to put in a plug for the articles.  Your layout is coming along nicely, and the articles are well done.

@leapinlarry posted:

@Mark Boyce, thank you for always being there for all of us Forum friends and making us feel important, your bridge looks great in black, and it blends with your railroad theme, Western Maryland, great work. I like the name, Blackwater Canyon, keep the projects coming. Happy Railroading Everyone

Larry, Everyone here is important!

Yes, Happy Railroading Everyone!!

@Mark Boyce posted:

Larry, Everyone here is important!

Yes, Happy Railroading Everyone!!

I'm not important, I just window dressing. I think I may have said this before, but we get inspiration from one another, and also important ideas, new takes on what we didn't think would work, and of course, sound advice.

I don't know how many times I've gotten a notification of one of the people I follow commenting on a person's issue, and sometimes it is something pertinent to me, other times not. Regardless of whether it is or not, it could be down the road. A few times the posts were extremely helpful as it was something that could have been an issue unforeseen by me if I didn't follow a certain person here or there. 👍

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