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I am currently running a 4.5' x 20' with an inside and outside loop/mainlines, and I want to add to it in an 'L" shape.  I'm currently in the process of switching from Fastrack to Ross & Gargraves and I have some ideas here to share and get some input.

I am attaching some pics of my plans and its progression, but I am wondering if I am getting to complex with my limited space.  I want to have two mainlines, a good size yard, a reversing loops, and to being



IMG_4821IMG_4820IMG_4821IMG_4825able to run some longer trains to keep my 6yr old "T" happy.  (He currently can run both trains on a TMCC remote)

One worry is that I am trying to do too much with my space.  I also have a concern with the back to back double slip switches.

54" curves are my minimum, since I just bought an new NS ES44AC.  The newer (back) portion is something I don't plan on changing much.  I really like the change in elevation and the service area (Ross 4way).  Other layout 2 is my most recent version that I have come up with. 

In my plans, I am pushing my available space.  Furnace, basement walls, wife, etc. 

I'm newer to the forum and have learned much since joining.  I appreciate everyone's input.



Images (8)
  • Other Layout 2: Liking the bigger yard and the ability to hit the reverse loop off the mainline.
  • Other Layout: My first revision of expansion
  • Revised layout: My first expansion plan, keeping with current layout
  • IMG_4821
  • IMG_4820
  • IMG_4821
  • IMG_4825
  • IMG_4819
Last edited by Thaddeus
Original Post

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I like the other layout 2 plan. Can you post the layout file?

I assume the wall will come down? A switch behind the wall is inviting Murphy to visit.

Some design thoughts - Having a high track to scenery ratio is not a bad thing. You are trying to get a lot of running fun into your space.

Put some more thought into how you want to use the yards. The spurs on the far right (that seems good), if spaced a little more would provide an industrial area for buildings where you can deliver cars of product. Make 6" x 10" rectangles and 4" x 6" rectangles as placeholders for the footprints of buildings. (could also check actual building footprints that like or have) That area could also have a road and a couple of city buildings.

The other yards need some tuning depending on what you want do with them.

I can't read the curve size with the color on the track. I try to use O96 or O106 for the elevated snake. O113 gets a little long for this size layout. That gives a nice "show-off" movement when a train passes through.

Very nice work on the reverse loops! I can see it needs a little fitment work for the crossover. It's tough putting you ideas to track with software until you've used it for some time. Very clever. I will use it, thanks.

What will be the dimensions of the L table ?

I think your almost there. if you share the file I can look at some details better.


The lengths of the Layout are 225" and 155", and I can't go wider than 70" on the far end because of my furnace. 

Most of the curves are 54" and 64" while also using some flex track.  I've found it easier to use flex track in the software to get things aligned back up.  The small yard in the far end has always been indented to be a coal facility, mine, etc and I may even cover up the mainline in that area to help make that scene. 

The wall will stay up.  It is just a cosmetic wall to separate the basement some.  On the other side is our kids play area.  I plan on having the track on the other side just be on a shelf and will be fully accessible. 


I actually like your most recent version best of all, but it could be tweaked to make it even better. Try getting your engine house over by your yard, not half way around the mainline. Leave yourself a dedicated lead for the yard (yellow) that doesn't interfere with any of the red or green. Try to get rid of one of the double slips, they are cool, but can be awkward to operate. You are using a lot of switches next to the yard with all those crossovers. Figure out which ones are really useful and which are redundant. Add an industry or two over in the empty space lower left. This layout looks like it could be lots of fun with lots of railroad action.

I like the general arrangement there. It's good to have reversing cutoffs for variety of operation.

My personal preference would be to cut down on the number of switches and short spurs, and instead have fewer longer spurs and some long layover tracks for complete trains (hidden or visible, as you prefer). I would be wary of having a scissors crossover behind the scenes and not conveniently accessible. Besides, it's an interesting piece of trackwork and should be on display if possible. Double slips tend to be problematic for reliable operation.

What I would suggest doing with this plan is rearrange the reversing connections so they are long enough to hold an entire train off the mainline, so you can alternate running different trains for variety more easily. The extra track can be looped around the back one way or another.


    Like what I see big time, no matter which Track you finally go with.  However if you plan on ever running Tin Plate stay with the FasTrack, if all you plan on running is Post War and Modern Trains, go with the Ross.   Ofcourse I like the low voltage  Command Control FT Switches, that operated directly off Track power, and you will loose them also, unless you decide to transition in an out of them, with your Ross Track.  However I love Ross Track especially with their newer Ross Tin Plate Switches, very serious stuff, great to run both DCS & Legacy on.  You definitely have some engineering decisions to make.


Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

Just a comment about the grades on the right side of your latest layout.  On that side, you have 3 lines, the red mainline, the green mainline and the branch going up to the coal tipple.  Assuming everything is level where the red-green crossover is near the tipple incline, that incline must go up at least 6 inches (and probably more to allow for scenery) in a very short run.  To help the branch reduce its climb, you could start lowering the green mainline grade about 3 inches (meaning the branch would only have to climb about 4 inches), but that would require you to lower the red main (to get under the green main) by about 9 inches in a relatively short span.

My suggestion would be to put the coal tipple inside the reverse loop on the lower left hand side, giving you plenty of room to easily raise the green main where needed and to service the coal tipple elsewhere.


I think I'm getting somewhere here. I've lengthened the green spur by the yard and I have revised one of the reversing loops here.  Some work still needed on the reversing loop, but I think its some progress.  I had some comments about the coal tipple area, but I have the building elevated to simulate the type of building, the tracks to it does not need to be elevated. 

I guess it helps when you don't look at it for a while and then some ideas start to flow again. 

Let me know what you thinkOther Layout 4



Images (1)
  • Other Layout 4
Files (1)

Well, after many revisions, I have finally come up with the new layout and have taken almost everything down.  Over the last two weeks, my son and I have taken all of the Fastrack down and have begun to lay some of the new track.    I have had to relocate the coal tipple, but still not sure if I like the new spot, but I do not have many options.  I have realized that plans will change, but it can be fun in doing so.  I must say that I am getting a little nervous not that I have to reorganize some of my basement to move my desk and drum set in order to expand the rest of the layout.  My wife is worndering how all of this is going to fit in the basement, but where there is a will, there is a way. 

I really enjoy laying the Ross/Gargraves so much more that the Fastrack.  IMG_0761IMG_0941IMG_1025IMG_1028IMG_1030IMG_1033IMG_1034



Images (7)
  • IMG_0761
  • IMG_0941
  • IMG_1025
  • IMG_1028
  • IMG_1030
  • IMG_1033
  • IMG_1034

Its been a good three months here.  We built the shelf and laid track in the kid's room,  Added a few spurs for the power plant, started some more bench work for the "L" section, started on the electrical panel, and have even run an engine back and forth to check our work.  Over the next month we hope to get the last of the bench work completed while continuing to add the feeders and run power.  Switches are also getting up and running, just not sure yet where all the switch controls will be placed.  Really hoping to get the mainlines running by early December. 



Images (10)
  • IMG_1225
  • IMG_1231
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  • IMG_1236
  • IMG_1239
  • IMG_1304
  • IMG_1306
  • IMG_1307
  • IMG_1314
  • IMG_1322

Mark & Brian, thank you for your compliments.  Next to the yard I plan to add a lift out section that I can hopefully fit through, but I have yet to figure out how I can do the same near the power plant.  Living dangerously here, but I will make it work, while keeping a watchful eye for Murphy and his law. .......

I'm a bigger guy, so the corner with the cutouts in the wall could/will be a problem.

Last edited by Thaddeus

Well its been a while since I've contributed to this thread, but much work has been done.  We completed the mainlines just before Christmas and have been running trains ever since.  I have a few gremlins to fix, three switches do not like the NS passenger car set that we have added.  The trucks are shorting out on those switches and sparking something special. 

Now I am quite puzzled on how to address all the scenery that the layout needs.  I have realized that this is going to be a learning experience and that the layout will change one day.  The last two switches have been ordered for the industrial area, and I have yet to place an access panel for the power plant site.  (Yes, the back switch is one of my predetermined problem areas). 

Overall this has been a fun project, with a great learning curve, and with much more to be done.  I hope that this journey never ends......IMG_1442IMG_2376IMG_2377IMG_2380IMG_2381


Images (5)
  • IMG_1442
  • IMG_2376: My first attempt, may cut it back on an angle
  • IMG_2377
  • IMG_2380
  • IMG_2381

Hi Thaddeus,

Good to hear that you are still working on it. I don't recall from previous the color codes of the track represent the power scheme?

The NS cars revealing a power issue points to the power distribution.

Multiple transformers need to be phased.

If you are running conventionally, you must be careful about the voltages when crossing over from one power district to another that the voltages are real close to same.

I cleaned up your track file - colors are in layers as well as other items. It makes it easier to work on. (file attached) Highlight a layer and uncheck others.

The 90° crossover could be an area where you have loops that aren't isolated. All four sides are connected.



Files (1)


Thanks for the help on the layers, I was trying to use them, but doing it blindly. 

The trucks of the passenger cars sit really low and actually come in contact with the center rail from the divergent track.  It took me a while to figure it out.  Some of the switches the center rail leans just a little bit over, or is a just a bit higher than what it should be.  I was able to see the damage to the truck after looking at them for days.............  I bent the one rail on a yard switch and it worked, but I haven't worked on the back curved switch yet.  Currently debating on where to put an access panel back there. 

The different colors on the track plan are different power districts, but right now I am running Legacy the entire time. 



The different colors on the track plan are different power districts, but right now I am running Legacy the entire time. 


Images (2)
  • IMG_2392
  • IMG_2394

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