Thought I'd start a thread to post all my little NYC Hudson upgrades as I complete them. Currently painting up Scullin disc driver sets since they come in a raw iron finish from the factory. Prototype drivers were black like the locomotive however. Pictured below are Lionel American-made Scullin disc drivers (top left), Lionel Chinese-made Scullin disc drivers (bottom left), and Lionel factory painted Boxpok drivers (bottom right). The American-made drivers are currently still in raw finish while the Chinese-made drivers have been painted with SEM 39673 Black Self-Etching Primer. This primer when sprayed in multiple wet coats is a nearly perfect match to the Lionel factory painted Boxpok drivers. The American-made drivers will be getting the same treatment. All drivers are uniform in color finish, try to ignore any glare in the photo.
A K-Line Hudson scale pilot truck is also getting the same treatment for installation on Lionel's 2001 J3a.