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Hi all,

North Carolina Rail Yard Buddies is a 3-Rail modular O-Guage train club located in the Mocksville, Winston Salem, Greensboro, and Lexington North Carolina area. The club was organized to increase the enjoyment of our member's model railroading experience through the fellowship of planning, building, and operating a modular layout. It  showcases our members' collections and skills, and fosters an appreciation of the history, safety, and operations of railroading in the United States, past and present. The modular layout is intended to be displayed to the general public at open houses, public shows, and selected segments of the population. Such as youth groups, boy and girl scout groups, senior centers, long term care facilities, civic groups, and the like through organized presentations.

If you live in the triad area of North Carolina, we would love to hear from you, or you would like to get more information, feel free to contact us at  Our web page is:

Happy Railroading




Last edited by ICRRE8
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