North East Train Society Presents an old fashion Swap & Trade Model Train Meet on Saturday, February 21, 2015
This meet is like the old days, collectors to collectors.
First Church of Christ, 422 Mentor Ave., Painesville, Ohio 44077 (across from Lake Eire College)
Now that the Winter is here, it’s time to get out and add to your train layout.
Come and see operating layout in O gauge, HO scale, and N scale.
New and Old Trains to Buy, Sell or Trade, Be sure to bring items you want to sell or swap
Parts, Repair Manuals, Price Guides, Books, Model Building Supplies, Kits and much more.
This is an All Gauge show.
Food and Drinks available for a small donation.
Admission is a donation of a non-perishable food item to the church
Open to the Public 10 am to 2:00 pm.
Table Cost = $5.00
For addition information, Contact:
Lenny Kessler