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Guys, gals,

We have been following this closely here in 2 rail and I thought you might like to see some captures of the latest batch of RS's from ATM produced in 1:87 HO. They just arrived Friday from Inchoeon and as usual Jae-Gil really produced a phenomenal model. Hard to believe these are HO 1:87 samples and not O scale.

I do NOT know the status of a possible O scale RS at this time P48 or O5W. I did ask Jack today and the response was as expected. The market it seems will simply will not tolerate the price. He has reservations and a big thank you to you guys who signed up like I did; however there just isn't enough orders at this time. Magic number is 50 pieces to make a run that can include 49 different roads and eras.. Just need 50 to make a go.

Jae-Gil at ATM wants to build this model for us in O scale it is a personal favorite for him to build in large scales. An O scale RS done to the standards of the recent OMI SD70's would be a dream for me. I believe it will stay a dream for the moment like my Key Model Imports AB6. Maybe in time keep the reservations coming and perhaps we can do it!


Enjoy the images nonetheless. I think they are really spectacular models even if they are so tiny.  imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage

The filler detail on the cab is really astounding!


The chains are really amazing. And every road era specific detail only capable on this level of filigree in brass. 


Looks like O scale to me! 


I produced these captures for The Division Point (c)2016 and they are copyright. Please if you wish to use them give credit. 


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Yep, Bryan Davies lobbied Jack very hard on O scale RS's but so far to no avail.

Hard to believe that here in 2016 the RS3 choices in O scale haven't moved past  1970's blue box Athearn  in detail.  Sad, since the ALCO RS3 is right up there with E and F units when it comes to popularity.  The breed had lots of variation, all of them neat locomotives.

Would be something to have a Kohs/Key/GPM quality RS3 in the scale and even in P:48.   Maybe someday.

Oh, and one of my childhood memories was to see a D&H RS3 burbling down the tracks with a short train in the little borough of Shickshinny, PA (along the Susquehanna river).   Just wonderful.

Last edited by Rule292

isn't enough orders at this time. Magic number is 50 pieces to make a run that can include 49 different roads and eras.. Just need 50 to make a go.

So Jack is correct.  Fifty would seem to be an incredibly small number.  How many did he get?  Three?

Nice photos, Erik.  Thanks for sharing.  I too like the RS, but my Kemtrons suit me fine.

bob2 posted:

isn't enough orders at this time. Magic number is 50 pieces to make a run that can include 49 different roads and eras.. Just need 50 to make a go.

So Jack is correct.  Fifty would seem to be an incredibly small number.  How many did he get?  Three?

Nice photos, Erik.  Thanks for sharing.  I too like the RS, but my Kemtrons suit me fine.

I agree 100 per cent - Fifty seems like a tiny number for such an investment.  I wonder how many product reservations Key or Kohs gets?  or MMW...

I don't know Jack ( pun intended) about importing O scale models but I am sure I could come up with at least 20 sales from this forum alone. 

As the Soo Line was an all-EMD 'road in my era of interest, it's taken me years to take to Alcos, but I finally succumbed to the charms of the Batten Kill RR's RS3s on YouTube!! I got an AtlasO Trainman RS3 for a good price here in the UK (approx $150) in D&H livery. 

Unfortunately I hadn't realised the compromises inherrent in the Trainman range - nor the fact Atlas made the hoods too high to clear the China drive (why?? their RS1 looks fine!) until I saw how small the cab windows were over the hoods. But with a Loksound L chip she splutters along just like the real thing.

I'd love to have a more accurate version, but I suspect an R-T-R Brass model as proposed here would be well beyond my means. A real pity, as just 50 units to get a production run done is a remarkably low target.

Great photos as always Eric although I am not in the market for "state of the art brass" I would agree with Stephen a lack of any real advertising certainly did not help the reservation process, I understand DP has their HO market on their newsletter alerts and dealer networks ,this does not reach the O scale potential buyers. JMO

BradA posted:

I too would have interest in an sp&s unit and know of another who would.  I am not sure jack has actively pursued marketing the project and hope he reconsiders.   The Lehigh unit is also a great paint scheme.   Really well done units.

Like I said earlier Brad, I bet Jack could get 50 orders off of OGR.. though I really want PRR and would pay extra for "value added" details like the Pennsy used.  But Jack's an HO scaler I presume and he has to spend his time and effort and money where it benefits his end of the hobby.  That appears to be HO scale

I still don't see the constant stammering over a web presence for an O scale manufacturer/importer.  Web sites are HUGE time and money consumers.  I'd rather have the person be putting effort in working with the builder and answering customer questions as to putting tons of time and money into DBOM a web site. 

Pat O'Boyle did just fine with Pacific Limited and he never had a web site... as did Lou Cross and Right-of-Way (may both Gentlemen rest in peace).

nw2124 posted:

Erik Stated in a past post that he was going to work on the website, almost a year ago. Has Erik done that yet?

Erik here is your quote form 2/14 - "Stephen - Darin my website guy and I are getting in there and fixing her up"



I think the answer to your question might be answered in this thread... in the 4th or 5th page:

If not, a quick look at his avatar picture might give you a clue as to where his priorities lie. 

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