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Sounds Dope!  Will Dr. Dre be there to teach us how to repair scale wheels?  Or can we do an ICE CUBE themed tribute reefer car?  We could even superdetail a whole train of refrigerator cars and call it REEFER MADNESS!

F*** da railroad police!

(I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself when I saw the title of the post.  I apologize profusely and hope I don't get banned.  Honestly wish I could attend a train show of any type right about now, wishing you luck!).

Last edited by Jeff_the_Coaster_Guy

Sounds Dope!  Will Dr. Dre be there to teach us how to install scale wheels?  Or can we do an ICE CUBE themed tribute boxcar?

F*** da railroad police!

(I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself when I saw the title of the post.  I apologize profusely and hope I don't get banned.  Honestly wish I could attend a train show of any type right about now, wishing you luck!).

HAHAHAHAH    I instantly came here with the same thought!   

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