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Can someone please give some help with a question.

I haven’t attended the York Meet in a few years and am no longer a member of TCA.

Is the Spring 2018 meet open to the public? What days and what is the  entrance fee?

I have looked all over the York meet website and can find no mention of it being open to the public on certain days. I have also emailed but have received no response. 

I would really appreciate if someone could provide me some information on this.



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I just clicked on the registration link.  This is the first paragraph of info.    It mentions public admission at the end.

Now Everyone Can Go To “York”!

The York Train Meet is sponsored by the Eastern Division TCA twice a year, in April and October. Members are invited to bring their families and guests; however each person attending the Meet must be registered and receive a badge. Badges are required for entry to the buildings and must be visible at all times during the meet. Guests are required to show ID when picking up their badge at the door. Click on links below for specific registrations. NOTE: Public admission to the Dealer Halls Friday and Saturday of the meet is available for purchase at the door only.

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