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Scott, Railking engines are designed to run on O31 curves.  Looks are the subjective part.  IMHO, the bigger the equipment, the more clunky it looks on the tight curves.  I have several Railking Imperial engines and I find that some look ridiculous navigating the tight curves BUT for those of us that have limited space, we can still run something like a BigBoy.  It's a trade-off.

This is a pic of my last Christmas layout. The engine is an MTH M1a Mountain with a long haul tender.  It's the best shot I have of a long haul tender on an 036 curve.  For reference, the tender body length is around 10.5" to 11" depending on where you measure.  I don't think it looks bad on the tight curve, but that's me.



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  • mceclip0

Thanks for the great feedback. To Max's point I don't want that kind of tether trouble. The PS3 drawbars work well enough but these are stressed by sharp turns I have had wire failures.

Early in the hobby I acquired several big RK Imperials that definitely ran well on 036 but had quite a bit of overhang and over time didn't look quite right right jackknifed on the curves. Today I prefer the shorter RKs with smaller tenders or scale size Legacy or MTH premiers that are switchers or relatively short. I do remember that right after this engine came out is was reviewed in OGRR magazine and the review was definitely critical of the giant tender.

A wild idea is to take the stock tender apart and transfer the electronics to a shorter tender. However, I would be throwing away the tender I paid for.

Hopefully I can help on this. I recently purchased the imperial decapod a few months ago. Here is some pictures and video of it running. This is with the shorter draw bar and 031 track. Looks weird,but no issues with draw bar popping. I would recommend the longer draw bar for long term tight curve usage. As far as the tender vs engine size , I recently came across a video of the decapod prototype. Surprisingly ,they're in proportion w\ the prototype. I really enjoy this engine. It was my first brand new steam engine. Looks really good with MTH scale premier ore cars. Hope this helps!IMG_20250308_123907215IMG_20250308_123924780IMG_20250308_124802963


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@Stinky1 posted:

I used to have one. It is a beautiful engine and well proportioned. I only ever ran it on O54 curves and I still had issues with the drawbar working loose. I ended up selling it and buying the scale Lionel version. I couldn't imagine running it on anything less than O42.

I guess I'm lucky having the S2 version with the wired tether. It's running on Ross O63 on my inner loop.



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Last edited by Putnam Division

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