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I recently got one of the new Southern Pacific Lines Legacy crane cars (6-81881).  When I finally got around to checking it all out today, everything's good except that some of the outriggers don't stay in.  They deploy fine from my CAB-1, but when I push them back in manually, a couple of them are really hard to get to stay.  And while running on the track as part of a train, a couple of them will jiggle loose and deploy, which causes collisions with trackside accessories.

The Lionel web site has a service bulletin for the TMCC edition from 10 years ago:  The last page describes outrigger locking tabs for adjusting the locking pressure.  But the picture is really bad, and on my unit, I'm not seeing anything that looks like the locking tabs described in the service bulletin.  Has the design of the outriggers perhaps changed?   Or there is some other technique?   Since this is brand new, I can certainly call Lionel and send it for warranty repairs, but if there's a relatively simple adjustment that I can do myself, it will be simpler for everyone.

Thanks for any pointers ....

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It sounds like they didn't improve the outriggers from the TMCC version. This is a common problem. Here is a pic of one of my replacements. The tab should be visible in the upper right window sticking out horizontally and attached on the left side. Not a good pic as I had a problem focusing with the light from behind. Lionel expects you to push down on the tab to increase holding pressure. Good luck with that. You will have to remove the outrigger to perform this.





Images (1)
  • Crane_out
Last edited by Norton

@Norton -- thanks for the picture.  That really helps me see what I'm looking for.  I don't want to uninstall the outriggers so as to not jeopardize my warranty, but looking very carefully with good light, I sure can't see anything like the locking tab in your picture in my new crane car.   Is the locking tab molded into the same black plastic as the rest of the outrigger, or is it a separate metal part?  If plastic, it seems like bending it would be a really iffy exercise.

The moving part of the outrigger of course has two layers -- the bigger outer part and the smaller inner part.   For what it's worth, in my case it's only the inner parts that won't stay in.  The bigger outer parts are staying in just fine.

I've got a piece of tape over the problematic outriggers for the moment while I run the crane and boom car around my layout.  I've got clearance problems with the middle outrigger structure along the bottom edge of the crane car -- but that's another story.  It collides with the platform of my post-war trackside accessories, like the barrel loader, milk car unloading stand, and the cattle car corral.   I've adjusted the barrel loader, and done some minor surgery on the milk car unloading stand, and am now good with those.  I still have to figure out how to handle the cattle car corral.  These old accessories clearly weren't built for today's scale size rolling stock!

The tab is plastic like the the rest of the outrigger. Its probably delrin but don't hold me to that. I did try and bend the one in the picture down. Its springy and wants to move back up. This is one reason I am sure its at least not styrene. Styrene would have snapped off.

If more of mine start to act up I think I am going to try a micro dot of JB Weld on the tip of the tab. Bending is not going to be a long term fix.

BTW the only way you will see the tab is to have to outriggers fully extended as the tab is inside the housing. My crane is packed away right now or I would check to see if its visible when mounted but I doubt it.



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