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A post in the thread about occupational hazards reminded me...

We've been trying out P&P Smoke, and I have to say that so far it works well, especially in Williams stuff. We've tried several scents, all of which are light and not overpowering, and there's no oily residue (nor is there any oil in it beyond the scent.) The pumpkin pie is especially tasty, er, fragrant. Has anybody else tried it yet?



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P&P'S NON SCENTED SMOKE 1 OZ P&P'S NON SCENTED SMOKE 1 OZ Patrick’s Trains is proud to announce our new line of Smoke Fluid. The new line is called P&P’s Smoke Fluid. We have spent a lot of time and money in the research and development of this new product. Our smoke will outperform the competitions smoke fluid. Our product is produced with high grade materials and is harmless to the trains and humans. The smoke fluid is based on glycerin and propylene glycol and is 100% vegetable based liquids. The smoke fluid comes in1.0, 2.0 oz., 4.0 oz. and 8.0 oz. refills. We have 4 scents to start, Vanilla, Pumpkin Spice, Pine, No Scent, WHITE CHRISTMAS, GRAPE. The fluid is safe to use in any manufactures toy train. Our customers lovingly refer to our smoke as “PEE- PEE” Smoke.

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