These are a few of my LEAST FAVORITE things related to our hobby:
- Scales listing on the Bay- I hate it when a listing does not show the scale. I bought a "lot" of 1950's car models- guess what- 1/18th. They looked out of place on my O Gauge layout. So I gave the "lot" away.
- ditto on ANY auction site
- Hijacked posts. An originator on this or another forum starts a thread and somebody takes the thread in an entirely different direction.
- Short-lived posts. I understand- a forum like this one cannot show hundreds of post topics on page 1. But sometimes my posted threads are gone in 6 hours! MY stuff is brilliant- it should stay up there for a long time
- New stuff that is defective. You spend $hundreds$ on a new O scale or gauge engine, and the X?& thing doesn't work, or (in one case for me) shorts out the track when you try and run it. I am about 50% "perfect" (meaning half of what I buy, NEW, has something wrong with it.) I am on a first-name basis with service centers. Doesn't SOMEBODY try this stuff out before they package it? It is at best a small consolation that the companies "stand behind" their stuff- but far better to make it right the first time!!
- Waiting 30 or more minutes for a service center to pick up the phone- I call it "bad music time". Sometimes, (I am so old that) I forget why I called or who I am trying to talk to! Again $hundreds$ of dollars for a product should get you a person more quickly. And- I HOPE that the manufacturers NEVER take their service calls "offshore" where people cannot even pronounce my name. (I liked Tombstone AZ, where not once did I have to spell "Wyatt")
How 'bout you?? Pet Peeves??