The Maine 3 Railers club set up in the Brunswick Maine Amtrak station today. Our 2015 club car (Moxie soda) has been completed by Weaver and was available for club member pick up.
The Maine 3 Railers club set up in the Brunswick Maine Amtrak station today. Our 2015 club car (Moxie soda) has been completed by Weaver and was available for club member pick up.
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I love it. I'm just glad it's not a 40-footer, which would go better on my layout. I'd have boxcar envy.
It was planned to be a 40ft wood boxcar. But Weaver could only supply our order with the 50' modern boxcar. Which I'm very happy about. A old 40' car would not have looked right on my modern layout.
Good looking boxcar, one of the last from Weaver.
Bill T.
Picked up my car as well... it was great to chat with some of the guys. Also fun to see all of the club cars circling the layout...
If this is the last freight car produced by Weaver, you may want to purchase another one.
Nice looking car I like it! As far as the drink; not so much!
The soda is a acquired taste. I hated it as a kid. Now I love it.
Are any of these cars left? I would like to get one for my Moxie train collection!
Very nice car !!!!
The soda is a acquired taste. I hated it as a kid. Now I love it.
I love the stuff. Unfortunately, I can only drink the Diet version these days.
Very nice looking car.
Very sharp!
I love moxie and Ilove that car. How can I get one? please help. Thanks John
And here I thought Moxie was a dead brand. I am going to have to try it.
Very sharp!
Mark and Jan, Glad Weaver was able to get our run finished. I suspect they were happy to get our order since they are closing now.
For those wanting the car the club website is but be aware that Club members get first dibs. We do not generally get a lot of extras on these as we got stuck with a bunch in the past.
If anyone wants a depressed Flatcar with a Maine Central Power Transformer on it we have plenty of those and they are nice cars, I have one here in the pile (MTH made them, the minimum car count was higher, they then ran the car in a following catalog so you can see a picture on the MTH website).
I looked at the website Russell posted and there is nothing on there about buying this Orange moxie car - only the depressed flat car with transformer load.
Maybe they will update it this week.
And here I thought Moxie was a dead brand. I am going to have to try it.
C.W. There is a company ,Catawissa Bottling Company, in Central PA that still bottles Moxie. There may be others in different parts of the country.
Mike M,
Fantastic Weaver Box Car, great looking stuff!
And here I thought Moxie was a dead brand. I am going to have to try it.
C.W. There is a company ,Catawissa Bottling Company, in Central PA that still bottles Moxie. There may be others in different parts of the country.
I can vouch for the excellence of the Catawissa product.
As for the Moxie boxcars, well, I'd jump for one as a 40' boxcar. But as others have said, the modern car just doesn't work for me.
I had heard of it but did not know much about it. It is funny as our club had our module layout at the Main St. Festival last week when a high school buddy approached me wearing a Moxie shirt. He explained about the product, his wife made grimacing faces, and how he goes to different Moxie meets. When I asked him about a Moxie train, he did not know.
I found one by Lionel and others that were smaller gauges. This one looks very nice and would stand out on a layout.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words about this car. And the mostly kind words on the drink.
For those interested in purchasing the car. We have to allow a fair amount of time for all our 100 or so members first choice before selling what is left to non members. The run was 200 cars, so I'm not sure how many will be left?
For those interested in purchasing the car. We have to allow a fair amount of time for all our 100 or so members first choice before selling what is left to non members. The run was 200 cars, so I'm not sure how many will be left?
Mike could you please let us know when we can purchase one - Thanks!
I would be interested as well. Support your org and get a really nice looking car
I love it. I'm just glad it's not a 40-footer, which would go better on my layout. I'd have boxcar envy.
A 36' reefer lettered for Moxie has been available from Ye Old Huff 'n' Puff as a kit for several years.
The above is my one of a kind(except for the boxcar) Moxie collection. The photos are also showing part of my vat car collection.
Very nice collection. I had no idea that all those Moxie train items existed.
Very nice collection. I had no idea that all those Moxie train items existed.
They were gifts from my cousin. They were painted and decorated by a guy in New Jersey, who has also painted some other cars for us. They are all one of a kind,except for the Lionel box car.
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