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In the past I've built Lionel postwar layouts. However this time I'd like to build one that has the look of a dealer display, but at the same time isn't a display. I have a variety of engines and rolling stock such as a prewar Red Comet. I have accessories like the rare yellow transformer coal loader. All I need is advice on the power supply I should use. (8x8 layout plan) Response would be appreciated.

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I recommend the MTH 4000 if you aren't running more than two trains at a time. It'll power those trains plus any number of accessories, either off that variable track power or off the 10V and 14V taps. If you need pure sine wave for certain engines, this is the one to get. Otherwise, you'll be buying old ZW's & KW's.

I use 3 PW ZW transformers on my 5x9 PW layout - no reason for you to not use a classic ZW that has been serviced.

The breakdown:

  • 1 ZW 275W powers the main lines.
  • 1 ZW 275W powers over a dozen O22 switches, on-demand accessories, sidings, and an elevated loop
  • 1 ZW 250W powers lighting districts at various voltages

Other medium to large transformers I have in stock and could have used:

  • 1 VW - powers my test bench
  • 2 KWs - Future O-27 layout
  • 2 LWs - Christmas/temporary displays
  • 1 TW - Christmas/temporary displays
  • 4 Zs - Future Tinplate Layout
  • 2 Vs - Future Tinplate Layout

Of course. I usually used my KW on previous postwar layouts. I've never bought a ZW but I think I can buy one below $200.  My problem is I'm terrible at wiring. I always find my engines electrical pickups getting very hot and I was never sure how to remedy this problem. Things like an automatic gateman and a signal have to be wired directly to the track so that takes up power. One thing I've always tried to do was make a bus wire system as the power of course weakens at the far ends of the layout. I'm terrible at things that would in fact make my running less stressful. I can't tell you how many pickups I've needed to replace as a result of them heating up.

Honestly, I don't have a copy of the layout plan. I've never been a fan of planning things. I have a list of all the track and accessories. But normally I judge what space I have and just go in right away. I definitely know how I'm going to build it. I'm just not sure of the design yet. Attached to the main layout will also eventually be a point to point military railroad so I then have a use for my Army Switcher's. (Navy Yard, US Army, Picatinny Arsenal)

All signals and Gatemen should be wired back to your accessory transformer which is phased to your track-power transformer.  There is zero reason to use track power for any accessory, switch motor, or Operating Track.

On my layout I have ZW, a KW, and a Type R all in-phase, with the KW running just the switches and Operating Tracks, and the R running the momentary accessories like gates, gateman, and banjo signals.


See Jon that's my problem. I don't know HOW to phase a accessory transformer to a track power transformer. How the heck am I supposed to use my operating milk car without it going directly to the track power? Say if I use my KW for accessories. How do I "phase" this with a ZW that powers the track? I'm terrible at wiring and without a diagram to follow I'm pretty much lost.

RaritanRiverRailroadFan4 posted:

See Jon that's my problem. I don't know HOW to phase a accessory transformer to a track power transformer. How the heck am I supposed to use my operating milk car without it going directly to the track power? Say if I use my KW for accessories. How do I "phase" this with a ZW that powers the track? I'm terrible at wiring and without a diagram to follow I'm pretty much lost.

This instructional video may give you a kick start on understanding phasing and powering accessories from voltage ports other than track voltage.

How can I do this with say a KW and a ZW? I have multiple CW 80 watt transformers. Just not an accessory transformer. Can't I just use my separate transformers to power certain accessories individually and just have the locomotive still pass over the 153 contactor? The only ones that are problems are the 450 signal bridge and the automatic gateman. Everything else such as the 445 switch tower doesn't work because the stupid string wore out a groove in the hole. Apparently I have to buy some thing called an eyelet and repair it that way. Most of the lighted accessories I just don't wire because it just doesn't make sense to me. Plus how can I use things like an operating milk car without using track power? It just seems impossible to me.

While the example used modern transformers, any transformer can follow that procedure. You can actually take any number of transformers and phase them up, but you start with two, add the next, and the next and so fourth. As for your milk car, they use activation tracks which have 4 terminals, and can be powered from the track OR an accessory transformer.

The wiring isn't overly difficult, but if don't feel confident in your abilities, it may be best to see if there is someone local who can work with you on your setup, and take things one step at a time.

Last edited by bmoran4

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