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We have decided to produce a weekly video podcast from our website every Sunday night.  I hope this announcement is not violating any rules.  We ( my sons Bill & Harry iii ) are producing it along w/ another employee Walter. The whole idea is to show off new items released in all scales as we receive, and concentrating mainly on "HO" & "O" trains. We will critique hopefully w/o offending any mfg., and demonstrating locos etc. We also hope to visit some layouts, possibly some mfg. & show off some of our own products.  Let us know your thoughts and any suggestions. We are far from experts, but thought it might be fun and maybe clear the air on some new items. Let me know.  Harry

Last edited by Harry Henning
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  Very nice. Some ideas...Maybe you can talk about different changes you have noticed in the hobby of the years, why your shop has been successful, how you decided to open your shop, how many Hennings does it take to run your shop, why you make your own castings, do you have a favorite toy, model or real locomotive, how many repairs do you folks make in a year, etc.?


Harry thanks for doing this, I’m sure I will tune in when you start. As one of the premier parts dealer, especially for tinplate items, how about some discussion on where you see future supplies, your line of wheels, restoration paint, etc. Some behind the scenes footage of tinplate restoration or part finishing. I assume these podcasts will be available for viewing after the original broadcast.

BTW why don’t you update your forum Sponsor Ad and signature to credit your last milestone from 75 to 80 years of service.

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