A closer look at my police barracks on the layout with Evan's LED'S installed in several vehicles.
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I love all the illumination you add to your layout it adds to the excitement and highlights the little details making it impossible to just glance over your great work. It forces the novice to slow down and appreciate what you've accomplished.
All of the lights on the police cars really add to the scene. Nice job, Spence.
I love it Spence . Thanks for showing the details,
Great job Spence! Looking for Starsky and Hutch. Bob
Very nice, indeed; especially the Evans LED-equipped vehicles.
Thanks for sharing.
Great job Spence! Looking for Starsky and Hutch. Bob
Oh that is cool Spence. I love it!
That looks really good. Flashing lights are great. I need to get some more police cars, only have one now, and then add the lights. My grandson would love that. I have the Plasticville diner also (at least I think that is what that was over to the left). Fords for me too!
That's really nice Spence. Very nice scene. We did something similar on the club layout with Evan's LEDs. We added a crime scene complete with flashing police cars & vans; a coroner's van; a chalk line of the victim and a news team. In another location, with the Evans nano LEDs we gave a lit flashlight to a policeman checking on lovers in a car.
Very nice, especially the flashing lights behind the grill on the unmarked car.
Very nice Spence! I love Evans LED's. I use them everywhere.
Great job. You made a good looking scene into a great looking one with the lighting!
I was looking into lighting on a cop car for my own in-progress layout but found that cop cars where I model didn't have an flashing or rotating lights in the timeframe I model, darn it.
That's pretty cool too Spence. Nice work. Ours isn't an accident but a murder in an alley but you got the idea.
Really neat Spence!! Thanks for the video..
Great job Spence! Looking for Starsky and Hutch. Bob
I was(**** evil influence of TV!) But I've been Ford clean now for 30 years! I comorated this event on my train board....And I have protection from the Caped Crusaders!
That car was the biggest POS I have ever owned, but I learned how to work on cars because of it.
I guess I got my shows mixed up. Starsky & Hutch had a Ford Torino. I was thinking about the "General Lee".
Very cool Spence You should put a Dunkin Donuts next door
Very cool, Spence. I like your repurposed Plasticville radio station, also.
Great layout
Looking really good great job
Great job Spence. Lighting my cars is high on my to do list.