I'm still trying to decide which way I want to go with my new layout... 2R or what I call 2 rail Hi-rail (2RHR). I have a limited amount of space so using MTH Proto 3/2 Hi-rail steam engines on 2 rail track would be the preferred way to go for a few reasons. One is that the Hi-Rail models use blind center drivers allowing tighter radii. Also availability of the scale wheel versions are much lower and they tend to get cancelled frequently. My tests show that the Hi-rail models aren't gauged to NMRA 2R standards. They are a bit tight and that obviously causes issues on commercial turnouts. As far as I can tell my only options are to 1. use my NWSL puller and widen the gauge to NMRA standards on the locos 2. Hand lay my own turnouts to accommodate the Hi-rail wheels 3. use a 2 rail track like Gargraves. I would prefer to use a more realistic track than Gargraves though.
Has anyone here Re-gauged an MTH Hi-rail steam engine? According to my measurements it shouldn't take much. Surprisingly, I found that the Hi-rail flanges will indeed pass through the flangeways of my hand laid #5. I built the flangeways to the max size on my NMRA gauge.