I just picked up a nice 140 banjo signal. The red light works nicely, but the drum doesn't turn. It seems like it wants to turn, but to no avail. The service manual explains that there is a washer with fingers that moves the drum. But there is no exploded view of the mechanism that drive the drum. Any advice?
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The drive washer drives the drum. AC 60 cycle current causes the drum to rotate.
The signal works on the same principal as the other Lionel rotating items -- the rubber washer with little "fingers" fits on top of the magnet and creates "head" motion when the magnet is powered. With age and use, the fingers wear out and the washer needs replacement. Replacement washers are available and easy to install.
Thank you hold*on. I can buy them thru the train tender or East Coast or.... who would you suggest?
@Pat K posted:I just picked up a nice 140 banjo signal. The red light works nicely, but the drum doesn't turn. It seems like it wants to turn, but to no avail. The service manual explains that there is a washer with fingers that moves the drum. But there is no exploded view of the mechanism that drive the drum. Any advice?
Traintender Jeff Kane good man to get parts from.
@Pat K posted:...there is no exploded view of the mechanism that drive the drum.
But Rob. That is a kick *** exploded view . I can’t thank you enough
these were the only signals that Lionel made back in the day that were semi-scale.
washer on the Bay.
Thank you AlanRail. Merry Christmas
@AlanRail posted:these were the only signals that Lionel made back in the day that were semi-scale.
Still way too big. This one was just about O scale.
I meant Lionel-Scale; close to O-guage if you close your eyes a bit.