I get a kick out of the guys who make generalizations about a particular York meet, rating it as either successful, lightly attended, great for sellers, great for buyers, etc., etc.
All it takes is one super sale for a seller and he will rave to everyone he meets about how great the whole weekend was. Similarly, a buyer who couldn't find that one item he wanted, or was unsuccessful in bargaining down the price on it, will rate it as poor. The converse of each of these experiences is also likely.
We recently had a thread from a new dealer at York complaining about his experience, and wanting to revamp the whole event! He didn't mention that he was stuck in the brown hall, which traditionally has the lightest traffic. I hope he was able to get out and around to really experience York.
The same is true for those buyers who only visit the orange hall, don't see any "steals", and then complain about high prices at that York.
The meet is too big, the range of buyer interest too wide, and the expectations of sellers too diverse to make any meaningful generalizations about a particular York.
Then there was the guy who bemoaned his York experience based on an overpriced, in his opinion, badly-cooked steak at a local restaurant. Go figure!
I've enjoyed every one I've attended since 1985, particularly the more recent ones thanks to all the new friends from around the country that I've made, and look forward to seeing twice a year.