Wondering if anyone has tried to do the swap yet for their zinc pested shell. I have received my replacement from MTH and I have found some time to do the swap. I tested the engine with the zinc pested shell still in place. Everything worked as it should. Pantos, smoke, lights, running just fine.
Even though I was told that it was a simple swap ( MTH rep) that consisted of removing 6 body screws and plugging in 2 connectors, I am a little concerned. Look at the pics. The pested shell is closest to the chasis and the new replacement is at the top of the photo. Notice there is alot more wiring inside the pested shell VS the new replacement. The new replacement has (2) 10 pin connectors that I believe simply plug into the boards on the chasis.
My concern is that the new shell is wired for proto 3 whereas the original boards in my P5A are proto 2. I am a little nervous about applying power. I was thinking headlights on proto 2's were incadescant and proto 3's have led's. Notice there is alot of wiring inside the pested shell that ties the 2 ends of the loco together. None of that is present in the new replacement shell. So...........has anyone out there done the swap yet? Thanks for any help.