Updated 1/12/2021:
Have spent the last few days working on a very vexing electrical issue. It presented as a Legacy Powermaster delivering less than 18 VAC to the track. This was for Power District #7. In fact, the real issue was phasing among the 3 transformers powering districts 4, 7, and 8, respectively. With help from my friends Bob Bartizek and Price Bradshaw, I was able to correct the problem. Bob really identified the issue from the symptoms I described and Price helped me methodically inspect my track feeder wiring for mistakes (there were none). It turns out that I had incorrectly phased a number of my transformers.
Tonight I successfully ran a locomotive all the way from the end of district 8 (Staging Area) to the other end of the layout (~47’) through districts 7 and then 4 without incident or malfunction. This is a long overdue major step forward.
Pending further investigation, I have removed the Legacy Powermasters from the layout circuits. I will check them out carefully tomorrow in the light of day.
Upon his return from Kentucky, Daniel Boone was asked if he had ever been lost. "Well", he said, "I wasn't lost, but I was a mite bewildered for 3 days."
I know just how he felt.