I have a ps2 board which I removed from an earlier conversion. The sound had stopped working along with the tender light and coupler. I believe I have been the cause of the board misfortune. The engine would still move both ways forward and reverse & smoke but nothing else. I would like to reuse this board in the B unit of a ps2 diesel conversion. Since the wiring diagram on page 16 shows the motor power from a source on the lower board, (is there any way I can bring a signal from the A unit ps2 conversion using the power unit on the B unit to drive only the 2 motors in the B unit?) I keep looking at the Tach reader and wonder if I could parallel the signal from the A unit to run the B unit. I know MTH run a slave board for dual A units but in this case I only want to bun the B unit as if the A & B really belonged together. I know this may be beyond my level of expertise but I am game to try if it can be done. Anyone out there got any ideas?
Don McCullum---retired engineer