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I have a ps2 board which I removed from an earlier conversion. The sound had stopped working along with the tender light and coupler. I believe I have been the cause of the board misfortune. The engine would still move both ways forward and reverse & smoke but nothing else. I would like to reuse this board in the B unit of a ps2 diesel conversion. Since the wiring diagram on page 16 shows the motor power from a source on the lower board, (is there any way I can bring a signal from the A unit ps2 conversion using the power unit on the B unit to drive only the 2 motors in the B unit?) I keep looking at the Tach reader and wonder if I could parallel the signal from the A unit to run the B unit. I know MTH run a slave board for dual A units but in this case I only want to bun the B unit as if the A & B really belonged together. I know this may be beyond my level of expertise but I am game to try if it can be done. Anyone out there got any ideas?

Don McCullum---retired engineer

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what engine was converted?  Yes the board are the same, the kit includes harnesses that take certain outputs off the ps-2 board an input them to the slave.  The slave mimics those inputs for motor function, smoke.  The functions of lights, coupler are specific for the rear unit.  One thing that needs to be upgradable is the trucks where the external harness connection match up.  Similar to how AA or ABA connect via harness.  G

The A & B units are MTH Alco PA & PB units both powered. Both have the old QSI boards. I have a dummy A unit to go with the set. The signal from the present A unit was a 4 wire harness which carried thru the B unit to the A unit dummy. The B unit power was synced with the A unit from a kit supplied QSI which involved a 3 wire harness from the A to B using the A unit forward and reverse signals. The B unit also had a smoke unit which I have removed.

G---Custom work or wiring is not a problem and I believe my heart is up to the task. What I think my the question is " On the ps2 upgrade board being installed in the A unit where will I find the output signal {wire/plug/board} connections to bring the control signals the B unit will need for motor control only?) These are those required for a normal slave board input. In other words I want to make the old ps2 upgrade board into a slave board. I am not concerned with lights & coupler functions with the dummy A unit. Thanks Don

Ok, If you have a slave board it has a 10 pin connector that takes the inputs from the Master Engine.  It also has a 7 pin connector that takes track power from the B unit. Looks same as the PS-2 7 pin just no wires for tach.  It also has the 5 pin for motor, 4 pin for smoke and 8 pin for lights.  Since you only want to run motors you would wire the 5 pin to the motors, and use the 7 pin to power the slave board.


From the lead engine you need to bring in PCB ground (Pin 10 of 12 normally Blue), Motor Yellow and White, and Positive Voltage (Pin 2 of 12 normally Purple).  These would go to the 10 pin connector on the Slave board.


PCB Ground to Pin 1, Motor Yellow to Pin 3, Motor White to Pin 4 and PV to pin 2.


This would than allow the Slave board to mimic motor control functions.  G

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