Just got a tube of it and I'm wondering how you apply it to your trains and do you keep it in a smaller container?
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I put it in an old prescription pill bottle and apply it with a toothpick. Nice and simple.
I keep in in the original tube, use a syringe to apply to worm gears, sometimes use a toothpick as Doc above alluded to.
See Roman's picture, works great! Becareful not to overfill the gear box. It will squirt out in unpredictable places.
I keep mine in a prescription medicine container with a screw top. To apply, I cut the head off a Q-Tip.
Thanks for the feed back guy's. I ordered a curved tip syringe tonight.
I thought Red & Tacky were a old vaudeville team. Don
Close, Don, it was Racky & Ted.
You're thinking of Step and Fetchit.
Thanks for the reminder, I need to order some more syringes!
Also, check into buying yourself a syringe that has a smaller tip. You can use this one to apply Red-N-Tacky to the axles of your prewar rolling stock. Red-N-Tacky works better than the lighter oils which gets thrown all over the place.(Just a thought)
food injector available at Walmart for about $4.
cut the pointed tip OFF. Instant toy train grease gun!!!
I use both the food injector type & the momoject 412 depending on where I need to put the R&T#2, my better half throws them away every once in a while cause they do get to looking a little messy, I have to come up with a front end grease tube nipple, for the Red & Tack #2 Greese tube, for loading my syringes, can't understand why Lucas leaves it off their tubes to begin with. The great thing about the R&T#2 is that the R&T#2 is so tacky that it does not drip at all, when the train gears and axels get warm, the absolute right product for our hobby.