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Fred Dole

I returned to the office late this morning after several days off and learned of the passing of Fred Dole, long-time Editor of O Gauge Railroading magazine. Fred left the helm of the magazine almost exactly 10 years ago, and just over a year later, after George Brown filled the post as Interim Editor, I became the magazine’s Editor-in-Chief.

My personal association with Fred was as a contributor to the magazine. I wrote several articles for OGR in the course of working for other organizations, and we would get together at the TCA Eastern Division’s York Train Meet a couple of times a year. I found Fred to be the consummate professional in every way, and just a very nice guy to be with, as well. He was a man of many talents, In addition to editing the magazine, Fred also was the publication’s primary photographer, art director, and page designer. He was hands-on with every aspect of the magazine, and he did a darn fine job in the process.

I know my colleagues at OGR will chime in with comments and recollections of their own, but at this point I just want to express my sincere condolences to Fred’s devoted spouse, confidant, and fervent supporter, Edie, and to all of his family, friends, and associates.

Thanks, Fred, for contributing to this great hobby of ours in such a tangible and enduring way!



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  • Fred Dole
Last edited by Allan Miller
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I just  learned of Fred Dole's passing and was stunned by the news. Fred photographed Collector's Gallery for many years, among his other duties  as Editor of O Gauge Railroading, and I learned to be a much better writer thanks to his professionalism as an editor as well as his artistic talents as a photographer.  In his years as Editor of OGR, Fred was responsible for the look as well as the content of the magazine which helped us become the magazine we are today.

When we worked together, because our names sound similar, people were always confusing us. For years  I  found myself  answering to Fred Doyle and Fred answering to Ed Dole. Given Fred's achievements in the hobby as photographer, editor, layout person and writer I was proud to be called Fred. It was an honor.

My condolences to Edie, his loyal wife and chief supporter.  Fred and his superior set of talents will be missed by all of us in the hobby. 

Ed Boyle


Last edited by Ed Boyle

Fred will be long remembered by me as a true friend who not only gave me the start with OGR but also taught me a lot about magazine development and photography. On a few but nonetheless memorable occasions, Fred and I got to spend all-too-short spans of time together, and I will remember them all with fondness.  His warm smile and quiet but assured personality were truly infectious.  When I accepted the editor's desk from Fred's stewardship, he passed on tips and wisdom for doing the job that quickly proved to be immensely helpful. He heard me say this before in real-time and I have to say it again--thank you Fred.

George Brown


This is very sad to hear, and my condolences go out to his family and friends.

I was just reading some older OGR articles that Fred wrote this morning at breakfast - he loved to write about Delta Lines and reproduced many of the structures Frank Ellison originally built. His photographic skills and genuine interest in layout building made him an icon in model railroading - his camera angles of layouts are the best bar-none - and he had one neat layout going from what I recall.

Fred Dole is one of the giants of model railroading in my estimation.

Fred was one of the first people I met at my very first York.  He was one of the nicest people and fun to talk trains with.  I always associate him with the famous Delta Lines layout which he was very fond of.  I seem to remember Fred buying some of the original structures and building some of his own.  A true talent and gentleman who will be missed.  Condolences to all his family and friends.  BigRail

I never met Fred but knew of him and his name from the RR model magazines I a way it's like losing a friend it one I never met...and I have to same the same feeling about some other folks who have appeared in OGR for quite a long time...Ed Boyle, Rich Melvin, Jim Barrett..I may ever meet any of you face to face...but you all have been a part of my life through this great hobby....My condolences go out to Bob and his family....Our own family of train model railroaders also lost a good friend. RIP Fred and thank you for all the memories....

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