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My MTH Premier "Big Boy" wireless drawbar is not capable of pulling my excursion consist up my Helix.  I would like to add a standard drawbar and wiring tether. I can figure out how to do the tether.  Are "off the shelf" engine and tender parts available for the drawbar?  Has anyone done this conversion?

The Big Boy to the left on the lower helix track is stalled while attempting to pull 22 car UP Excursion train.


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I did that out of necessity after I developed a break in one of the wires at the engine side connection. So I bypassed the draw bar and soldered (very badly) six wires from the tender into the engine. It works. But now I have to handle the engine and tender as a set. I'm sure there are smarter ways to bypass the draw bar but it can definitely be done. Really like the Helix!

Dallas, pulling 22 passenger cars puts too much stress on the plug and socket at the tender and one or more of the contacts come loose.  I'm in the process of bringing both Big Boys down off the shelf to devise a solution.  I already see that MTH Parts doesn't have the regular drawbar parts available now.  One Big Boy has the wireless drawbar and the other has the tether and regular drawbar.

I bet you have to get creative and make some of this cobbled from parts. I have installed PS2 and PS3 from donor engines and have done it both ways. It's a lot of extra work.

If I remember correctly, it was more work converting to the wireless.

I thought you might try the tender frame swap but you state you got that handled.

I remember grinding away some serious metal to get the tether connector mounted on the engine side. It might be easier to have that end permanent.

@Susan Deats posted:

Thanks for the thoughtful replies.  The load stress is damaging, bending the socket connection at the tender.

As a runner, that ugly tether doesn't bother me as long as there is a strong drawbar.

I've never had a problem with the PS2 cable tether. Easy to connect and disconnect, very robust, and trouble free. Given the choice between late model PS2 and PS3 I would always take the PS2 but that's just me. With the PS3 wireless drawbar you have a connector exposed to a fluctuating load. Bad. Not a fan of the Lionel optical thingy either.

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