I have a Lionel 6-28072 J3A NYC Hudson #5444 I'm using Cab 2 with a Powermaster. I had this engine programed before. When I tried to run it now, it wouldn't respond to the Cab2. So I went through resetting the id using prog-boost-eng id-set The whistle sounded the switched to run and the engine worked well. However because the run- prog switch was on the side hard to reach ,so I had it setting on the track opposite from the direction I wanted to travel. So after programming it and having it run well I turned track power off without shutting down the engine first. I turned the engine around repowered the track and the engine wouldn't"t run. It seems I have a dark cloud over my head when dealing with tmcc id programming I have no idea what I do wrong but it happens regularly for me. I so love my convention run engines so much Please clue me in if possible I think I need to go to tmcc 101 school
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