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Finally finished my outdoor G Scale layout in the backyard yesterday.  Had to wait until today, Labor Day, for the rains to stop so that I could enjoy it.

For your viewing pleasure, here are two YouTube videos that I posted of my pantograph passenger consists (sans catenary ), one of the Piko FlixTrain and the other of the LGB Swiss RhB Rhaetian Railway running in the Florida palm trees from the Black Forest and Swiss Alps, respectively.

The portion of the layout with the crushed granite along the screen patio is permanent.  The track around the pool will be laid down/pulled up when in use. According the layout plan on AnyRail, the total length of the loop around the swimming pool is 109.75 feet. All the curves were R3.

Last edited by Amfleet25124
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Finally finished my outdoor G Scale layout in the backyard yesterday.  Had to wait until today, Labor Day, for the rains to stop so that I could enjoy it.

For your viewing pleasure, here are two YouTube videos that I posted of my pantograph passenger consists (sans catenary ), one of the Piko FlixTrain and the other of the LGB Swiss RhB Rhaetian Railway running in the Florida palm trees from the Black Forest and Swiss Alps, respectively.

The portion of the layout with the crushed granite along the screen patio is permanent.  The track around the pool will be laid down/pulled up when in use. According the layout plan on AnyRail, the total length of the loop around the swimming pool is 102.25 feet. All the curves were R3.

Kevin fantastic, just amazing. If you would like to see another great backyard layout pick up the book (out of print on secondary market) Helmut Grosshans “Rails in my Garden” The story of an LGB layout.

photos credited Helmut Grosshans


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Thanks for all of the compliments.

Here is the video I took late last night for a moonlight ride in the forest against the pool "lake."

@ThatGuy, I will look into that book.

@Darrell, I love the tug too.  It's 1/32 scale RC Tugboat that fits right into the G Scale world.

Camera doesn't really illustrate it in the night compared to the naked eye, but what those empty illuminated coaches are telling me is that it's time to populate them with passengers!

Last edited by Amfleet25124

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