Our friend, Max Schwanda, died recently and we are trying to help his daughter find any information on pricing. These are 60+ year old locomotives converted from ac to dc. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Those are crude by todays standards. they were kit built from sand castings with little detail. In scale modeling there are not very many "collectors" who value the old stuff. So they are probably not worth much and are not considered collectables by most people.
That said, if they were well built with good paint - it is a plus. Also if they are 2-rail insulated for DC. Some of that early stuff was uninsulated and meant to run on 3 rail track. Outside 3 rail was somewhat common.
So if they meet the above, they could be used by a majority of todays modelers. so given the level of detail - I would guess from 150 to 250 apiece might be possible. All you need is an interested buyer.
It would be very important to be able to tell a buyer whether they are 2-rail or 3-rail. No one will be interested unless you can answer that question.
These are 2 rail and very well detailed
I have seen all of them. They are in excellent shape. They will bring good prices at auction.
Post some pics here, and maybe you can find some buyers here too.
I have a photo of one of Max's locomotives - I will try to find it for posting. These things will bring in excess of $300, in my opinion, and judging from what the 2-rail collecting community has been doing lately, possibly double that. Some of the older sand cast stuff is bringing $300 in junk unfinished condition with parts missing. The Max models are darn near perfect runners, and well finished. He used them for switching scenarios.
I would rather have Saginaw than Williams or Weaver - the Saginaw models have charm and history. The newer PRR models are inaccurate and sort of tinny in comparison. All opinion.
Caveat - while I truly liked Max and Diane, I have absolutely no connection with this estate.
We all have our opinions. And we are (still) allowed to voice them.
I hope they luck out on this.
Here is one. This may not do it for you if you like the smooth surfaces of imported brass - this baby is sand cast:
The engines are all packed up. I'll try to take and post some pictures
Bob2, The emgine looks very nice.
Max's daughter, Diane, is working with an estate agent. The entire railroad will soon be on ebay. I was a regular operator on the layout for 20 years. It broke my heart seeing everything being photographed for ebay.
I think they are getting close. Search Saginaw. I am encouraging them to list with the title O Scale 2-rail, so search that too. If they don't go over $300 I will probably win one.
I am close to winning one. The nice consolidation looks like it will go for half price. Too bad I already have 3 1/2 H10s.
I have tried for about 1/2 hour to find these listings and I can't find them with any keywords that make sense to me. I tried Saginaw Locos and I got a lot of stuff for car transmissions. I tried 2 rail and got so many hits, I got bored reviewing them. I went through the brass imports list and never saw them. I tried a few other things under toys and hobbies and got no where.
It is not surprising they have seen little activity. I am assuming not too many others are seeing them on the Bay either.
They are gone. I believe there will be more to come. There are fragments of a G5 listed, but the seller is not aware that they are Saginaw.
I mentioned that I would probably bid to $300 on the Atlantic, so somebody else bid $300. I went over budget and got it for $305. Not a bargain, but a fair price in my opinion. Now my Saginaw collection is complete.
There were only three - the Atlantic, the ten- wheeler, and the ubiquitous consolidation. Nice models, from the stone age.
Well I was not planning to bid, but I wanted to see some more photos of them. Everyone kept saying how good they were, and all the saginaws I have seen have been pretty crude - mostly because the sand castings were so rough. However, I could never find them on the bay. I even tried a broad google search and never got a hit - I did find a new transmission if I had a 57 chevy!
there is one on ebay currently...
The castings are generally pretty rough. There are better PRR locomotives out there - these are antiques in every sense of the word, and not for those who like modern fully detailed brass.
Safely arrived today- two working days after I won! In perfect shape. Photos as soon as I have a chance.
This means I will be selling my 2- rail K-Line Berk. Hate to do it, but I shall be building my own Lima #1 soon, with more accurate tender and trailing truck, in 17/64.
Here it is - no casting flaws that I can see.
Other side, going downhill: