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Unfortunately, according to John B McCall's Modeling Santa Fe Passenger Service FT article, it seems that all of the latest O scale SF passenger FT's are missing an interesting detail Santa Fe modelers might want to consider.


I modified the opening sentence to more properly represent my thoughts.  I consider the info in McCall's article to be of interest to Santa Fe modelers that own FT passenger units and wanting to add details missing from the models.  This had nothing to do with a critique of the recent Sunset and Key FT's.  I would leave that to those more knowledgeable than I.


McCall's excellent article in the Warbonnet publication of the SFRH&MS is very well researched and includes excellent pictures.  He covers many questions commonly asked, but to me the newest revelation is that the passenger FT's had very visible screened vents in the rear side access side door on A units and both side access doors on B units.  


The prototype pictures show them opened and black or with a silver colored metal cover. Either way they are visible.  Mr. McCall modeled his HO units using cut black number board decals (2 on each door) to represent the vents.


Has anyone attempted to model this on their new passenger FT's?   

Last edited by marker
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Allan - I'm glad you posted that. Santa Fe actually did it both ways.  I don't have the road numbers that correspond to which method was applied to which road number. (I went back and checked the article.) 


The pictures in the article:

B unit 168B (after renumbering to 415A). All Doors

A-B-B-A 161 All Doors


There are more pictures but it would only be a guess due to the angle of the shots.



Another interesting point made in the article is that the FT's drew assignments on the Super Chief, El Capitan, and Chief along with the Chicago to Texas trains.  Many assumed they were only used on secondary passenger trains.


They were returned to freight service three A-B-B-A sets in 1948, seven in 1950 and one in December 1951.


Originally Posted by marker:

I would think that photos of the area on the prototype units would be in order here.

I agree, but I assume there are copyright issues with the photos in the article.  


I'm hoping that the SFRH&MS will post the article to their website.

Aren't there EMD builder photos out there, that would show what you are referring to? Or were modifications made by Santa Fe shops involved in this?

Boy, seems like good broadside shots of Santa Fe FT's, especially the passenger units, are scarcer than hen's teeth...


Been through all my Santa Fe references and can't find a good shot.  The only thing I could dig up was this screen capture from a Green Frog video, and it doesn't really answer the question on way or the other.




Images (1)

It's funny, I can find plenty of photos of the FTs in freight colors including former passenger units. But very few in warbonnet. On one of the photos I found someone had commented that the vents were added to increase cooling for crossing the desert areas of the southwest. Another detail that seems to get missed is the fifth port hole on the FTB units that were equip with cab controls.

Or were modifications made by Santa Fe shops involved in this?

They did not have the vents on freight units.  They were only on passenger units and I assume Santa Fe added the vents.  There was only one unit delivered as a passenger unit from EMD (#167 L-A-B-C), Santa Fe converted the rest.


Pretty bad when we have to struggle to find places where our models are deficient, and still cannot prove it.

Personally, I don't consider the Sunset and Key FT's deficient.  This info wasn't published until the current issue of the Warbonnet.  If one wanted to model the detail, it is the same thing that has been done by individuals for as long as there has been scale modelers, and this one seems fairly simple.

and still cannot prove it.

I don't quite understand that assertion.  The proof is published in "The Official Magazine of the Santa Fe Railway Historical & Modeling Society".  Just because I don't want to break copyright laws doesn't mean that what I've posted isn't correct.

That helps. I saw that on a couple. But it looked like the doors was open.  Could it be that only some units had this and others didn't. Could this have been a local mod for safety reason to prevent debris from entering the open doors.   Why don't you provide a link to the articles and pics. That would help a great deal.


Here is 168  repainted in freight colors 1962 No vent on door




#160 converted freight unit   No vents on doors  



Sunset/3rd Rail








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  • ATSF%20160%20ft160
  • ATSFft168
  • ATSFft168

Thanks Alan.  I am in the process of moving and my books and the computer with a lot of photos is unavailable, so I'm very limited in what I can access.  I would like to see more pictures to possibly modify my Sunset passenger FT's.


I'm curious what happened to the door vents after the FT's were placed back in freight service.


There are other details pictured that might be worthy of modeling like the stay bolts holding the baffles on the B unit fuel tanks (which were converted to hold water).


So again, if anyone undertakes any of the additional modifications, I wish they would post something about their project.


Originally Posted by bob2:

Pretty bad when we have to struggle to find places where our models are deficient, and still cannot prove it.

Very true. The vast majority of folks who talk to me about Sunset and Golden Gate products at shows are positive or offer constructive criticism and suggestions which are always welcomed.


However, there are a consistent few (the same few) who seem to take delight in pointing out flaws. For the most part these naysayers do not own any Sunset/GGD products possibly because they cannot tolerate the flaws, or, more probably, they just like to feel superior in their knowledge.

Pretty bad when we have to struggle to find places where our models are deficient, and still cannot prove it.

Very true. The vast majority of folks who talk to me about Sunset and Golden Gate products at shows are positive or offer constructive criticism and suggestions which are always welcomed.


However, there are a consistent few (the same few) who seem to take delight in pointing out flaws. For the most part these naysayers do not own any Sunset/GGD products possibly because they cannot tolerate the flaws, or, more probably, they just like to feel superior in their knowledge.

bob2 - By now you can see for yourself that the vents I posted about existed. For a guy that has your modeling skills to complain about a discussion on modifying a model to more closely reflect the prototype is absurd.


rheil - You are also off.  I helped Jonathan with both the Santa Fe FT's and the Santa Fe F7's, ask him.  BTW - Scott and I have a good relationship.  Perhaps because I have purchased nearly everything Santa Fe that Sunset has produced, and two in most cases, four 37 SC sets, 3 ATSF 2-10-2's, etc.  Now that I've moved to 2 rail, I also own a number of Key diesels including an A-B-B-A set of Santa Fe FT's.


So who's wrong?  The poster that flew off the handle or the posters that were interested in prototype modeling?


Lastly, you both missed the point.  This thread is about modeling, not complaining.  I would think that Gary Schrader will most likely add the vents to his Santa Fe FT's (assuming he owns them).  



I should also say that you two remind me of the Lionel an MTH guys when someone points out a mistake, which BTW many times results in an improved product. 


Last edited by marker
Originally Posted by marker:

Pretty bad when we have to struggle to find places where our models are deficient, and still cannot prove it.

Very true. The vast majority of folks who talk to me about Sunset and Golden Gate products at shows are positive or offer constructive criticism and suggestions which are always welcomed.


However, there are a consistent few (the same few) who seem to take delight in pointing out flaws. For the most part these naysayers do not own any Sunset/GGD products possibly because they cannot tolerate the flaws, or, more probably, they just like to feel superior in their knowledge.

bob2 - By now you can see for yourself that the vents I posted about existed. For a guy that has your modeling skills to complain about a discussion on modifying a model to more closely reflect the prototype is absurd.


rheil - You are also off.  I helped Jonathan with both the Santa Fe FT's and the Santa Fe F7's, ask him.  BTW - Scott and I have a good relationship.  Perhaps because I have purchased nearly everything Santa Fe that Sunset has produced, and two in most cases, four 37 SC sets, 3 ATSF 2-10-2's, etc.  Now that I've moved to 2 rail, I also own a number of Key diesels including an A-B-B-A set of Santa Fe FT's.


So who's wrong?  The poster that flew off the handle or the posters that were interested in prototype modeling?


Lastly, you both missed the point.  This thread is about modeling, not complaining.  I would think that Gary Schrader will most likely add the vents to his Santa Fe FT's (assuming he owns them).  



I should also say that you two remind me of the Lionel an MTH guys when someone points out a mistake, which BTW many times results in an improved product. 



I am quite confused by your comments about me. Can you explain what you mean about me reminding you of the Lionel and MTH guys?

In the past your posts have always seemed to be quite well thought out, but I do not understand your last paragraph about me. If you read my post I said I was very receptive to constructive criticism about Sunset/GGD products and yet you are implying that I am the opposite by your wording. Help me out here, and I am sorry I made any comments that obviously offended you.


And, yes, I also have a few Sunset and GGD products.

Bob, It seemed to me that you were agreeing with bob2's implication that I had a problem "struggling to find places where our models are deficient".  If I misunderstood your post, I apologize. Unfortunately, I am under quite a bit of stress right now, so perhaps I wasn't thinking clearly.  


BTW, I have always respected you.


I was joking.  I guess now beneath my opinions I shall have to add "in jest."


Let me see if I can explain: here we are with darn near perfect models, and we are struggling to find documentation of flaws?  


We have an interesting 2- rail guy on another forum who is about to cut up a PSC passenger car, but will not do so if he can just find a photo of a real passenger car that matches his model.  Is that the opposite,or the same?


i guess it isn't all that funny.  Keep looking for those photos.

I was joking.  I guess now beneath my opinions I shall have to add "in jest."

I wish I realized that originally, it was funny.  It probably would have caught me that way if I had a few beers.


Like I said in my reply to rheil, I've been under stress and guess I took it too seriously.

I also respect you and always enjoy seeing the work you've done.




Laidoffsick - I don't think I have that book, but those pictures are show the way I would like to model the vents.  Your pictures show the vents with the covers on and it looks nicer than with the covers removed.  Thanks for posting.


I believe the Key FTs represented the as built from GM, any variations were custom requested I doubt Gary and Co. would have missed that shop mod and it would have been included if requested I think labeling that omission as a mistake was an ill chosen choice of words, although it was rephrased after a few posts. JMO

I concur that things such as this detail of screens were added after they took delivery at some point in time. Most roads experienced this for all models that were built the locomotives would die fro lack of air, so screens were added on car bodies as needed.
To go off half cock and say they omitted this is just Plain dumb be for doing there home work and bashing the importer and the people who helped to put this project together.
Bill Basden  Delta Models
Originally Posted by hibar:

I believe the Key FTs represented the as built from GM, any variations were custom requested I doubt Gary and Co. would have missed that shop mod and it would have been included if requested I think labeling that omission as a mistake was an ill chosen choice of words, although it was rephrased after a few posts. JMO



Images (1)
  • ATSFFTs: I painted these about 10 years agao for a cutomer, who wanted the done as delivered. OMI Models
Originally Posted by t610:
I concur that things such as this detail of screens were added after they took delivery at some point in time. Most roads experienced this for all models that were built the locomotives would die fro lack of air, so screens were added on car bodies as needed
Bill Basden  Delta Models


Another good example of this were the New Haven EP-5 electrics. They originally had 2 small vents per side that were quickly changed to much larger screened vents.

I could easily be just plain dumb.  I've been accused of worse.  Speaking of half cocked, I am NOT bashing the importers.  The only point of this article was to point out a obvious detail that Santa Fe modelers might want to include on their recently purchased FT's.


I am delighted with both my Key and Sunset FT's and have posted that many time on the forum.  It may be you my be going off half cocked.


However, the only as built Santa Fe passenger FT was 167LABC, and I would think that the need for the door vents hadn't been established.  That is conjecture on my part.  Delivered in February of 1945, it was tested and used for 14 months before Santa Fe converted the first freight FT for passenger service.  I would assume that in that 14 month period, the need for the vents had been determined.


All the other passenger FT's were delivered by EMD as freight units and converted to passenger units by Santa Fe.


That would mean that all other passenger units which would have been conversions by Santa Fe, would have come out of the shops with the door vents. This is documented by the just out of conversion photos of FT 158LABC.

A lot of passion here.  I understand some of it - I have a problem with our track gauge, and a semi-serious problem with open bellies on steam locomotive boilers - but I just fix those things and press on.  I do not let it affect my enjoyment of life.


But I am missing why this is such a serious issue, especially if, as indicated above, you are not totally sure this is an error.  

but I just fix those things and press on.  

That was the point of the thread.  I asked in the first post, "Has anyone attempted to model this?"


Then I get attacked for bringing this up.  It's especially ironic that Bill Blasden criticizes me for wanting to add parts missed on the original when this is his business.


But I am missing why this is such a serious issue, especially if, as indicated above, you are not totally sure this is an error.  

Bob is that another joke?


There are two issues here.  The real discussion is about adding the vents to Santa Fe passenger FT side doors.  There is no question that these vents existed on all Santa Fe passenger FT's.


The other issue is people attacking me for bring this up and calling me names.  Most of those comments are not very well thought out and totally off topic.  


BTW - I have received a number of emails supporting my effort.  Some people appreciate the information needed to make something more accurate.

Sunset/3rd Rail ATSF Passenger FTs were delivered with the 5th port hole in the B units because that was part of the production order from EMD. To say that Scott did not listen to people is a lot of bull. If the vents were mentioned and it was economically feasible, I am sure Scott would have done it.   Nobody mentioned the vents as far as I could tell and to me this would be a simple mod you can do. As for the other roads. They all performed mods to the FTs that have not been incorporated into model production units.  CBQ and others had removed the fuel tank skirts, added cooling systems, reconfigured the number boards and classification lights. MTH FTs are as delivered, 3rd Rail/Sunset are a mixture GN/DRG(F3 style number boards). Far as I can tell Keys did the same thing . The manufactures gave us the basics of what we wanted.  Its good that you brought up the vents, but at the same time don't trash the manufactures for not incorporating them into the production units. Make the mods yourself to represent the era your modeling and stop complaining.  Marker( Howard) I will note that you did not seam to have any issues at the time in the below thread..


Here is link to OGR Thread.




Last edited by suzukovich

Marker: I am glad you brought up the vents issue as I did not know this. Very educational! It has been stated that the models were made in "as delivered" and not with the changes for the longer running period of the life of the locomotive. Yes, there are forum people who rag on others and never let it go, I should know. The discussion is now about the vents in the doors, so let’s keep it there, and stop the relentless ragging others to make yourself feel good. Now let’s see who has the first negative comments about me instead of talking about the vents in the door.


My question would be how long after delivery were the vent changes made? I'd be interested in knowing.


 To say that Scott did not listen to people is a lot of bull. If the vents were mentioned and it was economically feasible, I am sure Scott would have done it.   Nobody mentioned the vents as far as I could tell and to me this would be a simple mod you can do.

Where do you see me saying that Scott did not listen to people?  Please pull out the quote from what I've posted.


Secondly, I helped 3rd Rail exchanging a number of emails with Jonathan Peiffer regarding Santa Fe details.  Perhaps my most important contribution was regarding the yellow or cream color of the cat whisker FT's.  At the time I was unaware of the vents, so could blame me for that.


I don't see why you come back and trying to infer that I am complaining about the models.  I am talking about adding modeling a detail.   Have you read my posts? 




Originally Posted by nw2124:

Marker: I am glad you brought up the vents issue as I did not know this. Very educational! It has been stated that the models were made in "as delivered" and not with the changes for the longer running period of the life of the locomotive. Yes, there are forum people who rag on others and never let it go, I should know. The discussion is now about the vents in the doors, so let’s keep it there, and stop the relentless ragging others to make yourself feel good. Now let’s see who has the first negative comments about me


OK,,,,,your print is too small, again.


instead of talking about the vents in the door.


My question would be how long after delivery were the vent changes made? I'd be interested in knowing.



My question would be how long after delivery were the vent changes made? I'd be interested in knowing.


The photos show #158LABC at Barstow, freshly converted for passenger service in June 1946, which is to say it never ran as a passenger unit without the vents.  So far that is the best I can find.


158 is the road number on my passenger FT and I will be adding the vents at some point.





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  • DSC_1322
Last edited by marker
No my Business is strictly for Passenger cars, ad on details for locomotives or other items I will not do.
Perhaps this would be a good project for you to make a master and cast a mold
and offer these your self in a resin product. should cost you about 300.00 for the matrerials to do it.
Bill Basden  Delta Models
Originally Posted by marker:

but I just fix those things and press on.  

That was the point of the thread.  I asked in the first post, "Has anyone attempted to model this?"


Then I get attacked for bringing this up.  It's especially ironic that Bill Blasden criticizes me for wanting to add parts missed on the original when this is his business.


But I am missing why this is such a serious issue, especially if, as indicated above, you are not totally sure this is an error.  

Bob is that another joke?


There are two issues here.  The real discussion is about adding the vents to Santa Fe passenger FT side doors.  There is no question that these vents existed on all Santa Fe passenger FT's.


The other issue is people attacking me for bring this up and calling me names.  Most of those comments are not very well thought out and totally off topic.  


BTW - I have received a number of emails supporting my effort.  Some people appreciate the information needed to make something more accurate.


Bill I know you do passenger cars.  The point is that you make parts to improve and upgrade existing product.  


Regarding the vents I think the covered vent could easily be replicated using Plastruct.

Perhaps this would be a good project for you to make a master and cast a mold
and offer these your self in a resin product. should cost you about 300.00 for the matrerials to do it.

I've always wanted to try something like that but I doubt I will ever get around to it.

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