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As you may remember, I posted a few months ago asking if Saturday York was worth the trip. Many of you responded that I should still go, so I went, and I thought I should share my experience.


To begin with, traffic both ways was lighter, making the trip much easier. As for the halls, the meet started out great, with less people in the halls than Fridays, but lots of sellers eager to help me find what I want. Unfortunately, as the day went on, some sellers started packing up their items, hiding them from site. While some were rude, almost ignoring buyers as they packed, I noticed many were asking if there was anything particular I was looking for, in case they had it packed up. Also many sellers, no matter if they were packing or not, were very open to negotiation or reducing prices, probably so they did not need to pack as much. I was able to get through all of the halls once, and Orange, Blue, Red, and White twice, because the crowds were less than Fridays.


So although I did not find everything I was looking for, I had a great time, and would definitely consider going Saturday over Friday again. Thank you again for encouraging me to go!

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My first York was last April and I loved every minute of it. I had intended to go this October but unfortunately a new job and a family friend getting married yesterday prevented me. I'm about 4 1/2 hours away and if not for the wedding I probably would have driven out for just Saturday.


I have made it clear to my family and have already notified work that I will be in York next April! This time I even have my wife interested in coming!

My wife and I went to Friday and Saturday. We purchased the bulk of what we got on Sat., mostly from other members. Found things that I liked, and got to spend some time meeting other Forumites (who I now can say are friends!). It was a great trip for us and I think that Saturday was the icing on the proverbial cake. I'm trying to figure out a way to take time off in April to meet some of the people I missed this time.



Unfortunately my son and I were unable to make it to York this week.  We had planned on going Friday, staying overnight and returning on Saturday in case we missed anything.  But we had a family emergency (found out our soon to be 8 year old dog has terminal cancer) and we have spent the past week balancing work and his health and vet appointments.    


Sorry I missed everybody......sounds like it was a great show.  Does anyone have a preference of whether Fall or Spring is the better show?   Good to know that Saturday is a good option.

Last edited by Santa Fe VA
Originally Posted by Santa Fe VA:

.  Does anyone have a preference of whether Fall or Spring is the better show?   Good to know that Saturday is a good option.

I think both meets are pretty much the same. Many people would say they are more in the "train mood/spirit" in the Fall since Christmas is around the corner, especially those looking to add to their Christmas layout, or buy a gift that their wife can give them for Christmas.



Glad you got to go and had a good time.  As for differences between April or October?  It's difficult to generalize, but typically the October meet is slightly better attended.  Are prices better at one versus the other?  Given the volatility of the economy, I'd say no.  Pre-2008, prices used to be firmer in October and bargains were more attainable in April (generally).  Now, I think it's impossible to predict. 



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