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Well is there anything in particular you're looking for in trade? You tell me,I'm a newcomer to O Scale&think a working ground throw with moving targets is VERY doable&the shelf couplers should already be available. Sliding derails should be here too.all these things are common in HO,but maybe I need to exit O Scale "stage right," meaning possibly the modelers in O Scale don't want these things.(?) If that be the case,I'm fighting a losing battle.
Are your drawings for a double shelf coupler?
I'm very interested.
I asked these questions here thinking this was the best possible place to ask. I'm not disagreeing with you,I'm just saying there are modelers of all interests here. If the answer to the question of "want" for these products can't be found here,help me out,how's driving 123 miles going to change the answer in the end. There's a selection of modelers from all over the country here,surely there's a good representation of modelers here to speak for all.(?)


I can't help but notice you have been asking these questions for quite sometime here. You admittedly have a recent interest in O Scale 2-rail. On the other hand I have modeled in O Scale 2-rail continuously for the last 63 years. That makes for a very different perspective. In addition to the convention, I would also suggest that you broaden your horizons by Googling "O Scale Discussion Groups". O Scale is far too broad to be limited only by what you find here.


Thank you Ben for the clarification on your first comment&for the information. Again,I didn't mean to be rude in any way,I just thought forums like this,would be the top place to get the feeling for these products. Right now,I've gotten high interest in responses,modelers wanting to order immediately.
I still find the highest volume of O guage model videos done in 3 rail with Lionel couplers. Based on those findings alone,I'd say I'm running against 70% 3 railers vs 30%2 rail. Being in O Scale for 63 years,how accurate would you say my findings are?
Thank you,

I am almost exclusively into modern trains & I am sort of interested in this double shelf coupler. But are there suitable cars in O-Scale that would require these couplers? I don’t see an immediate need for these unique couplers if there are no suitable O-Scale models of freight cars that use these couplers. The only images of freight cars that I could find on Google were tank cars transporting flammable products like crude oil / petroleum products. Lionel recently imported Ethanol cars that might need them.

These are just my opinion.


Naveen Rajan

My hope for the safety shelf couplers,applies to ALL modern freight cars as well as locomotives.
The double shelf couplers,are almost exclusively used on all tank cars,though I have seen a few modern ACF type covered hopper cars with double shelf couplers.
Most other modern,non-tank freight cars as well as locomotives,have a lower safety shelf coupler,not an upper&lower safety shelf. The upper part of the double shelf coupler is to prevent a car from riding up over the top of a tank car coupler&puncturing the tank,causing the release of the liquid chemical,sometimes which are hazerdous chemicals. Other freight doen't require this exra safety measure.
The overall purpose of the safety shelfs on couplers,is to keep the knuckle from sliping from the adjoining coupler. Sometimes a coupler can pull out of the draft gear&the safety shelfs will keep the coupler from dropping to the rails,preventing a derailment.
Their are E safety shelf couplers which are the most widely seen on the rails. There are also double shelf F type couplers used again on tank cars &the standard F coupler which are used today,most extensively on coal porter coal hoppers&I see many used on Western railroads diesels,such as BNSF. These couplers have a tighter lock as the knuckle side of the coupler has an open socket which on an adjoining F type coupler,has a piece of steel that fits snuggly into that socket. Google "Sergent Engineering" for pictures of these&other coupler types,to get pictures that show the couplers to give you a better understanding of how they look. I can only offer a confusing description here,where pictures are better than a thousand words as the old saying goes.
Having these couplers in HO spoiled me&am hoping they will come to O scale soon. Protocraft has a fully Prototype coupler,but no safety shelfs. I doubt "F"or "H" type couplers will ever make it to O Scale,because of the smaller percentage of modelers. I was just ready to start buying them&replacing my Kadee couplers,when the O scale "bug" bit me. 
Hope this helps.
Thanks for asking,

O Scale barely supports the scale Janney coupler.  I doubt the market is there for anything more exotic, but if you disagree, the way to do it is to hire a pattern maker, get some molds made, and have a run of castings done.  Assembly takes quite a bit of time, so you might consider kits at first.


I would contact Protocraft.  They can give you insights, and might even quote you a price for a short production run.  Ballpark, I bet a ten grand investment would get you rolling, so long as you do the engineering and initial drawings.


Marketing is a whole 'nother subject.  I am not qualified to comment on that.

Bob 2,
It's painfull to think of,especially since I've got most of my track for O scale sitting on the shelf,but if the market is that poor,I have to face the reality these things aren't going to happen,sell my O scale&concentrate on HO where these things readily exist. I get sick to my stomach for real,looking at my HO,then looking at my O & considering selling either. The size of O Scale is what drew me in partially,but when I saw the Protocraft coupler with cut levers&airhoses,that sinched the deal-it was full speed ahead.
Thanks for the input,even though it's a bitter pill to swallow. Many times you have to take some mighty wrotten tasting medicine to get well,not that I won't miss O scale even without all it's missing pieces that I need.


Shelf couplers have been applied since the early 1980s. In a about ten more years the E style coupler without shelves should be gone from the freight car fleet.  At that point there will be no need for the double shelf coupler, as two single shelf couplers coupled together provide the same protection. At that time the single shelf coupler will be the only one used. You would think that modelers would keep up with these changes. 

Manufactures do stop in the forum sometimes. The O scale convention this year is not a true convention but just another train show on the decline that most manufactures no longer attend, like Atlas. The sponsor just took it upon himself to call it a "convention".  It is nothing more than one day show on Friday and most leave very early Saturday to go home. This is not what I would call a convention.

There must be some niche for shelf couplers as Atlas has done tank cars and run after rerun well as Lionel and mth both have modern tank cars. There are also some 3-railers who do use scale couplers which would help the demand. I love it when O scalers' tell someone to finance and bring a product to market as if we’re all made of money. I suggest if enough people would approach Kaydee, they might consider them as they have them in HO. Stephen


Last edited by nw2124
Shelf couplers won't come from Kadee as I contacted them.
I contacted Protocraft over&over,as they have the body for the prototypical working coupler I planned to use.
I even emailed Frank Sergent who makes a complete line of shelf couplers in HO since he makes an S coupler as well as San Quan&all are a "no."
Frank referred me to San Quan actually,but thet model an early era so again not interested.
If I had the money this discussion wouldn't be happening. I've thought about trying to make my own but that'd be quite an undertaking. A friend of mine did this&he said he'd never do it again.


i think, it`s not really a discussion about shelfcouplers, it`s the same worldwide discussion about modern und transistion era.

As long as "transition era" is dominated, there will be no need of modern stuff, no matter what scale. Look around, how many 0 scalers make really modern ( time 2000+)? It`s a devil`s loop, no interrest, no products, no products no interrest or way to model it.

IMO,  in near futur some manufacturers perhaps will be awake, ´cause there are only a few who will buy the "old stuff",  and what will happen then? No "younger" have the interrest.

Look arround, for example, high cubes (Atlas + MTH)  reach astonomic prices, even modern engines are very expensive ( some paint schemes ).

I personally try to model 2012+, i have need of shelf couplers, modern switch stands, and of course rolling stock.



kindest regards from Germany


I think you've summarized the shelf coupler issue VERY WELL.
As you stated,it's not the shelf coupler issue,but rather the issue of supply&demand. How many modelers want a product&how bad do they want them. Well put.
This is what I've been trying to get to the heart of,"how many modelers want this?" Although I don't have numbers recorded,which I should have done,I'd say modelers that want this are on the lower end of the scale with the older generation/transition era holding the cards. But the biggest majority haven't commented at all,unless there are only about 20 modelers in O Scale.
1 gentleman,age 80,says the shelf coupler idea is excellent&should fit in nicely with the Protocraft Coupler. This is the coupler that works with release levers on the car sides exactly like the prototype. All that's needed are castings for upper/lower shelfs. Unfortunately,through his communication with another modeler,he'd make castings for him,but he has no interest in the project,himself. This modeler says he knows this project is simple&would be accepted. He hasn't been able to draw the shelf coupler yet,as he's into 3D drawing which means nothing to me.
He sent me a 3D drawing of a ground throw,callled a NEW CENTURY ADJUSTABLE which is probably the most common design of ground throw ever made. I have 1 in my backyard&the internal workings are much more difficult than another ground throw which has a simpler gear design. This will be a challenge,but if the space used for a caboose Industries ground throw is used to make a prototype design ground throw,it should be a success. If there are too many working parts for this,don't ditch the idea,ismy idea. I want a working ground throw with moving day targets that rotate when the throw handle is moved. The design on the end weight of the throw bar on a Caboose Industry throw,with no disrespect to that company,just doesn't match up with any current designs I'm familiar with.
Oddly enough,Lionel made a throw device used with manually operated switches in the late 50's early 60's era that had a throw arm that looked really to prototype!! My jaw dropped when I saw the picture!! We had an auction in May&that sales flyer came up missing in the rush.
Times change,Elmar&I hope to be in O Scale when the calendar rolls around to our time for new products!
Keep in touch.
Al, from Indiana,USA


It occurs to me that you’re trying to transition from HO scale into 2 rail O scale, a worthwhile pursuit indeed, but perhaps handicapping yourself by placing excess importance on currently unavailable components. Why not equip your models with tried and true Kadee couplers, and get involved in the enjoyment of O Scale model railroading. If after gaining a better acquaintance with what it’s like, both pro and con, you could either continue your quest for these specialty parts or find that it is a great time you’re having with what is already available. That’s just food for thought obviously.



Thanks Bob,
You're 100% correct on your comment that I'm trying to move into O scale 2 rail.
I had the same thought you're having even to the point of going with Lionel couplers&changing over in time.
My handicapp,is my 30 years in HO,not that it was a bad experience,not at all. But I started out with hornhook couplers,then gradually found Kadee couplers,then waited many years for scale couplers,then more years for shelf couplers which were only about 50% correct as far as the shelfs were concerned. Then came Sergent Engineering. They started with just a standard E coupler,then after years,began manufacturing couplers of all types in the E&F styles,as well as the H passenger coupler. They're FANTASTIC. I'm moving into O scale that's about where HO scale was 15 years back. I have to try to sell a vast HO collection to fund O scale. This is going to require an all out effort. Except for switches,I have about enough used flextrack to put most of my layout together.
I guess what I need assurance on before I go "whole hog" as the old saying goes,is that before I croakI hope,the things I want will be a reality in O scale. As for the couplers,I'm going to use a Protocraft type coupler with cut levers. (Another pro of O scale you've got 100% prototype practice at your fingure tips). I can use Atlas couplers on their rolling stock,but don't want to invest much in couplers before,(if ever),shelf couplers arrive,so am kind of stuch there.
If you know fellows looking for decent buys in HO,send 'em my way,I got tons of things to sell all high quality,most in the boxes never used.
Thanks for the advise.


why are people switch to 0 scale? In my case, and i think i spoke for many serious modellers, to get those possibilities in detailing and work, that i won`t have in H0.

I own a huge transportable H0 layout, even with catenery, i think, i did a good detailing work on the layout and of course on the rolling stock.  For me it`s the next level, when i should put kadees on 0 scale, i can stay in H0.

And exactly those people want shelf couplers, working switch stands, self nailed and layed tracks etc....

I can`t identify me with the transition era, cause i`am too young ( i`am 44), my H0 is 1975-81, and now i want to model things i saw in real life ( imagine, i have to travel over an ocean to see trains, i`am interested in).

In Germany young modelers want to model those things, they saw them in real life ( like the ICE train etc.), and here is the same situation, that the older want to make "Epoche III"-~1955 till 1970). In H0 is the differenc, you get enough modern stuff.

 But, should i change to transition are, cause some parts/locos and cars are not available?. Today you find many combinations on small RR, old engines, modern stuff

When our hobby want to survive, manufacturers should produce the stuff, people want. I think, there are enough out there, but not everyone whrite or post the interrest.


my 2 cents


kindest regards





Interesting philosophical question:


Stephen has a hard time with folks who suggest that the proponent finance a favorite project.


I have a hard time understanding the indignation that comes with not being able to get someone else to take the financial risk for a worthwhile project with a questionable market.


Personally, I think I have the better argument.  Your opinion may diverge.

I love it when O scalers' tell someone to finance and bring a product to market as if we’re all made of money. I suggest if enough people would approach Kaydee, they might consider them as they have them in HO. Stephen


I misunderstood you.  I thought you meant that you really don't care for the suggestion that a modeler who lusts after something obscure should look into producing it.


In this case, I asserted that I thought the market for shelf couplers was way too thin for a profit- oriented manufacturer, but I also suggested that I was possibly wrong, and that there is perhaps a fortune to be made with this product.  If so, what is more logical, and indeed American, than that some entrepreneur like Allan make all the money off the deal?

Bob2: No problem. I enjoy your suggestions, it seem a lot of O scalers seem to have smart aleck remarks to the younger or new modlers. O Scale has grown tremendously over the last few years. I have gotten models that I have never dream of ever beening produced. For this reason I am enjoying the scale more than ever. Thanks Bob2 and good day!


Bob,can you give me any tips on selling my collection since you did this yourself? Ebay people,75% expect you to give brand new unused things away. I'll stay in HO before I do that. Except for 17 overland brass bay window cabooses,my next high dollar items are my diesel engines,most of which are Atlas with Kato motors. All are new in box,most were slightly track tested&all run like Swiss watches. I also have 7 Kato SD40&40-2 diesels. I know the market&most ebayers want to buy these for $20-$50. The new condition these are in never having even been broken in,they should go for no less than $80 each. Well,I'm getting off my point here,my "ranting" is starting.
Any tips are greatly appreciated. Having a stroke in 2012 which left me out of work&being Epileptic for 46 years,made it impossible to pay into Social Security all the time&still buy medication,so my government says I'm not entitled to benefits,so my HO,HAS to pay for the HO,or stay in HO.
Thanks again,
You're "that Bob". 
I have shelf couplers of all types,&ground throws with moving targets,in HO. These things should be better developed in O scale because of more size to work with. As of now,they don't exist in O. I still think if the shelfs were made as an add on only,instead of making an entirely new coupler,the idea might go for everyone.
I'd chance a grand or so to help.
Berkshire Valley makes a dummy ground throw with targets that when combined with a Caboose industries ground throw,I think I can get the 2 items to make my ground throw with rotating targets,but the shelfs are a little above my head.
Any ideas?


If your last question was addressed to me, I would have 2 answers for what I am looking for in O-Scale.

Among products already made, I am looking for Atlas-O 2-rail TTX 5-Unit Gunderson Stack cars from the most recent run. I already have a BNSF Gunderson 5-pack. But I work for Caterpillar & I have started seeing more yellow TTX branded railroad flat cars at our facility & around town, that are used to ship our earthmovers & I am beginning to like that color & could use more Gunderson stack cars in those colors.


Among O-Scale products yet to be made, my priority in descending order of importance would be

Gunderson 53’ Maxi-Stack 3-car sets with 53’ containers

Affordable concrete ties for O-Scale tracks.

Modern models of affordable overhead Catenary system for electrification

There could be more models that I would be interested in but these were the products I could remember.



Naveen Rajan

Originally Posted by Ben Brown:


I can't help but notice you have been asking these questions for quite sometime here. You admittedly have a recent interest in O Scale 2-rail. On the other hand I have modeled in O Scale 2-rail continuously for the last 63 years. That makes for a very different perspective. In addition to the convention, I would also suggest that you broaden your horizons by Googling "O Scale Discussion Groups". O Scale is far too broad to be limited only by what you find here.



   I was in the same boat as you and I would take Ben's advice.  OGR is not the place to find modern SCALE info.  I would be game for the couplers you want to see made as I model mid 90's. Double Shelf have been around for over 40 years now.  The San Juan coupler is actually a more modern version of the Type E than the Protocraft offering. There is a guy that made them in 1:29 so maybe contact him.  What you need to do is make contacts with those guys that do rather than those that wait for a manufacturer to make something.  You'll be waiting for ever.



Patrick for the info.
It's hard to believe this&other issues haven't been picked up on a long way back,such as ground throws with moving targets. Those have been around forever on the railroads. Derails that slide off &on the rails worked by switchstands have been,are now,&will always be a part of the railroad.
I contacted Shapeways&they responded,but headed me in a very confusing direction,so confusing I couldn't follow their lead.
Did you mean to say shelf couplers exist in 1:29 scale? I think working ground throws do,but am only going on a vague picture I saw.
Will keep in touch&see what happens if I can make contact with the right person.
Thanks much.
Originally Posted by Alan Hummel:
Patrick for the info.
It's hard to believe this&other issues haven't been picked up on a long way back,such as ground throws with moving targets. Those have been around forever on the railroads. Derails that slide off &on the rails worked by switchstands have been,are now,&will always be a part of the railroad.
I contacted Shapeways&they responded,but headed me in a very confusing direction,so confusing I couldn't follow their lead.
Did you mean to say shelf couplers exist in 1:29 scale? I think working ground throws do,but am only going on a vague picture I saw.
Will keep in touch&see what happens if I can make contact with the right person.
Thanks much.

Please email me offline.

You're correct about the coal cars the Bethgons&Coalporters using rotary couplers. As you know the couplers rotate so the cars can just be dumped without uncoupling.
I was looking for a double shelf coupler. Actually I thought upper/lower shelfs could be made to fit the Protocraft coupler to eliminate the need for a new coupler dropping the costs back. This would aid the modeler too. He could buy both shelves for tankers, or only a single shelf for non-tank car freight&locos. 
The F coupler would've been fun for modern coal trains,but with the small O scale market,I knew that was out.
I bought a set of the new Protocraft couplers&although I haven't had time to install any,I found their coupling to be at about 98% efficiency. I knew they'd need painting&as the instructions mention,some drilling,but with all good things comes work,so I was prepared to take that on.
I just got an email from Protocraft saying there will be no shelfs produced by them.
I spent years&years with Kadee&they were excellent,but then came the Sergent line!! The real thing,like thr "big boys" do it!! I just won't go back to Kadee.
Protocraft says modern cars represent 5% of the market&the lack of sales doesn't make the cost profitable. So that looks like the final word for me. Time to throw in the towel for O scale,&I just bought an SD-45 in CSX. This is pitiful but you do what you know in your guts you have to.
Thanks for the info on the Protocraft couplers&for your great reply.
Thanks again&happy railroading.

I am trying to think of an analogy, but I cannot.  Alan is giving up on O Scale because Protocraft will not make a coupler for him.


Let me try - I think I will quit and go back to HO because nobody will make a G-50-9/10/11/12 Southern Pacific gondola for me out of metal.  I can get them in HO.


So long, guys.

I came up to O scale to bring the things I had in HO with me,meaning hoping to have them in O Scale,such as shelf couplers,working ground throws with moving targets,which I thought would work like the prototype because of the increase in size-these things aren't here,why I don't know the switchstands go back to the very early days of railroads. Shelf couplers are available in G scale. So I guess the market is centered in the earlier days of railroading,eras from the 30s-early 60s. This was my mistake for not looking into this better. I joined P48 early on&found men that seemed to have the same interest,but that interest died.
I had a stroke in 2012,that thank God I recovered from. It ried to find work before my stroke,but it was a joke,who's going to hire a 55 yr old Epileptic,which again I understand when there's a healthy workforce out there. The dr said my working days are over he'd sign any papers needed,if I didn't have another stroke before a year was up my chances of not having another 1 were better but I'm still high risk.I couldn't pay into Social Security & pay for my medications in my earlier years at the same time so I get no disability. What savings I put together in my lifetime's it.My trains have to pay for themselves & the HO&N aren't moving. If I had 10-20 years & the income I used to have,&over that time to gradually build&hopefully sell my 30 years of HO which is mostly in build up kits,I think it'd be doable,but I have neither as I see it with leisons on my lungs&a low white blood count.
So I have everything but track&couplers&yes the shelf couplers&ground throws with targets are all there in HO. So I see the only choice for me is HO,maybe not even that.
I bought a 4427 Chessie cvd hopper the other day as well as other things&despite the lack of products in O,it tears my guts out to have to turn around&sell all of it.
I think I'm doing the ONLY possible thing here.
Despite the lack of products I could have a nice time with O scale-it is what it is as I see it.
I'm NOT looking for sympathy here there are people out there with a lot less than me that wasn't the point in putting this out here-it was to give you a better idea of what I'm facing&I think I'm doing the right thing considering the facts. 


as i mentioned before, i don`t belief, that the market only should 5% in modern stuff.

All the (younger) guys (40+) i know model the modern era (1975 till now). In H0 is the same....How can you explain, that a Atlas or a MTh high cube reach astronomic prices?

The problem is, that there are to less stuff available to make modern era.

So what is the starting point for 0 scale beginners, changers etc.

i think, people model those, what they can identify, those era, they life in..

My fear is in a few years, when there a now newcomers, what will happen then?


kindest regards





This is another reason I feel leaving O scale might be a good thing. It sort of makes the leaving not so hard.I'm a fighter when I feel there is hope,even when the odds are stacked against me. I was really enjoying the thrill of planning a new layout,but you do what you must do.
I think the reason there is such a lack of new things is the diversity in O guage. You have O27&Tinplate&high railers,then 3 rail scale&finally, lastly,2 rail scale. From a manufacturer's view,there's so many factions to try to fill needs for,he has to try to hit all of them in a way to stay alive. In HO,everything is 2 rail. So engines &rolling stock can be designed for 1 mold-no 2 rail 3 rail.
I'm leaving a lot behind in HO&am willing to for size,but all modelers have certain boundaries they are not willing to cross mearly for size advantages.
I agree with your observations. New era modelers must evolve&demand change or make it happen themselves by forming new companies,until then things will remain as they are.
Thank you.


I could be wrong but haven’t you mentioned that you were leaving O-Scale on your earlier posts? I would be interested in knowing why you bought the Atlas-O Trinity tank cars, Protocraft couplers, Chessie hoppers, etc. after deciding to move back to HO-Scale. I had assumed that you knew that the safety shelf couplers were not available in O-Scale nor were model train suppliers uninterested in making modern coupler models, some time ago & when you were unable to get much from selling your HO-Scale trains.


Naveen Rajan

I've been back forth several times&then someone encourages me to stay. Thus some additional purchases which were great at the time,the purchases I meant.
The same with the shelf couplers-I keep geting rays of hope only for most of them to fall flat on their faces  almost as soon as they originated.
I didn't order the 25,500 tankers.


Didn’t you offer 4 ADM tank cars for sale on the “For Sale or Trade” forum earlier this month? I assumed that these were Atlas-O Trinity 25,500 tank cars.


Naveen Rajan


Originally Posted by Alan Hummel:
I've been back forth several times&then someone encourages me to stay. Thus some additional purchases which were great at the time,the purchases I meant.
The same with the shelf couplers-I keep geting rays of hope only for most of them to fall flat on their faces  almost as soon as they originated.
I didn't order the 25,500 tankers.


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