I agree, Mel.
Here are my latest photos of the ball park. First, a panoramic shot:

Next, the view from the stands along the 3rd base line:

The coloring and shape of the field of play are often distinguishing features of a baseball park.
I am pleased with the coloring, specifically the green cardboard fencing (cut from pizza box cardboard painted green with acrylic paint), and Popsicle stick bleachers painted with burnt sienna acrylic paint. After looking at many color images of the Polo Grounds in the early to mid 1950s, green was the predominant color of the fencing, and the color of the bleachers in a couple of those images was reddish brown, which I like.
The dimensions of the field of play includes a very deep center field (483 feet) and my model replicates the shape of the old Pole Grounds deep centerfield. It also was very short down the foul lines (258 feet and 279 feet)
To my delight, I found more O Scale baseball figures in my basement so there is a whole team on the field and even a batter. Here's a photo taken from behind the catcher and home plate umpire:

I don't know where I got the plastic batter, and his bat had broke off, so I glued a piece of a wooden toothpick to his hands so he has a bat. I believe the other figures are plastic Scenic Express O Scale baseball figures, with one exception.
Take a look at this photo of the centerfielder:

That figure is a Kramer metal outfielder making an over the shoulder catch. I found him in a jar of layout junk in my basement. He was in that jar because he is missing his left foot which had broken off years ago when I removed him from the layout after gluing him in place.
To get the centerfielder without his left foot to stand again was a painstaking task. I got him to stand by gluing small pieces of wood to his right foot and the bottom of his left leg.
Here are some more photos of my Polo Grounds:

It will be fun adding details down the road. I will post photos of them when I add those details.
The overriding theme is to put on your layout what you love. Doing so will make your layout special for you.
If you love baseball like I do, adding a ballpark will be great fun. It is also a relatively easy and affordable project. Arnold