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Just curious on how you like to fill those sections of your layout where standard straight pieces won't fit.  For example on my scaletrax layout I have several areas with odd distances.  I could fill those distances with 4 to 5 small pieces, cut down some flex track or take a 30" straight and cut it down to make a custom straight piece.


What do you prefer to do?

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Atlas track can be cut with out too much trouble.  There are track end tie pieces that can be added to make custom lengths.   I tried to use every piece/partial piece of track that I had.  IMO an expensive scrap pile of partial pieces.
There are several custom cuts where the two main lines are diverted around the TT.  Note the custom cut flex track bottom middle

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Last edited by Mike CT


take advantage of the geometric design of atlas track and you should need to cut little or any. take advantage the the flex track and bend it slightly. You can have a layout with track down with a 1% error and have trains run fine. 


  With layout here there was about 450 ft of track, a hump yard and 4 grades and only two pieces cut. The reason for the cuts was that I merged two different existing levels.


Last edited by wsdimenna

I have not seen a table of track pieces to make a given length for scaletrax but I made one for Atlas which I've attached below.  These are useful for filling in gaps without resorting to distorting and kinking the track.  You need to use track planning software to take advantage of this.


After I drew my layout in Atlas' software and then RRTrack to get the piece placement and count, I setup reference lines along one edge of the layout. Squared the corners and then commenced laying the mainline loops.


All sidings, passing tracks, etc were added, and all joints were smooth and kink free.


I'm in the process of redesigning parts of my layout to increase storage tracks in the yard using Ross turnouts and cut-down Atlas switches.  On the Ross 3-way you need 11.5 deg curves to bring all the legs parallel.  You can either kink the joint wit a half O72 curve or cut.




Just starting my design, and I already have 1/8 gaps.  Unlike FasTrack (Which can go with 1/8 increments.) Atlas only goes in 1/4s.  But thanks for the table, that save me from having to make my own, which I was about to do.


For those that have cut Atlas track, how many use the replacement ties on the cut end to snap into the next piece?

Originally Posted by sinclair:


For those that have cut Atlas track, how many use the replacement ties on the cut end to snap into the next piece?  Part # 6057.   I found them useful

 I used Atlas flex track for the pit rail in my scratch built TT.

Last edited by Mike CT

I intend to use as few pieces as possible to minimize joints on straights and slight curves. If I need 25", I don't plan to use two 10's and a 5, I'll cut a 25. The smallest straight piece I want to use is a 10" and I'll use 2 of those rather than cut a 20", assuming two 10'S are cheaper than one 30, but I may opt to use two 5.5's to make 11 if it looks like I'll waste too much cutting an 11. However, since my layout will have O42/O54 curves, what I'd really like to do is use standard sections for the curves and flex for everything else.

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