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Getting back on track!!….first,,..those of you that I’ve got projects for, please bear with me, this season at the day job has been murder and a real clock bandit …..with Covid restrictions easing late spring, we’ve seen an explosion of work that sucked up 6 days a week….so all of you that have jobs underway, they’re coming!…my season is just beginning to wind down now, so I’ve got more time to dedicate to locomotive work… I’m catching up on stuff that’s been here way too long,….

Sid and I are working on what will be the finest 3 rail CV Hudson to grace the rails,……Sid’s CV showed up with a lot of run time, and plenty of abuse, so I’m tasked with a total repaint, and some add on goodies that I’ll let Sid comment on for what he’s gonna do when he gets it back from my shop,…so we’re doing all the repaint work, adding certain details, and of course, swapping out the Pulmor for a Pittman,…Sid wanted to go to the more correct darker shade of what we’ll call the charcoal grey color, and get away from the bright silver,……so for stripping chores, we went with ultra fine glass beading….and I’m glad we did, we revealed some impurities in the casting of the center section, which the blasting easily removed,….so we have a little minor body work to do to the removable center section of the shrouding …..I’m hoping to be in paint today, but we’ll see, I’m not rushing the work,….Sid and everyone else I’ve got work for has had the patience of Jobe, and I appreciate that patience, so for my appreciation, I’ll do the finest jaw dropping work y’all have ever seen!!….let’s get to work!…

Pat 3231DACF-D99A-4410-9759-8B14D05C354649B5A07E-654A-40A8-9EEB-A2B8A3F38AB72CCDFD64-C55E-4AA0-9F42-8B884ABC9155E76E07E1-0E39-49DA-A989-5FC14262D1EA739A38BC-26D6-4C2B-A5A5-54688DA483D4FE0CAA53-6DFD-42FB-B7A6-A7C9CD41C119E1277B9A-112F-413E-A1E6-D1A96797EE561A914F06-EDF0-4111-A9A0-84576B9B05EC8805C701-8E2B-4B80-A611-52D28EC8A37758E3BCE9-7C7B-431F-BE6C-7F8FEDD607EF8CC7E72F-3BB4-471A-8BF0-6BDA26449FFDFBC68278-0CDA-409E-A0B3-B659F1CA2B3B


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As Pat has said this is going to be the greatest CV in the planet in 3 rail o scale. I am very happy with Pat's work so far. Amazing work with the whistle and the stripping for painting. Way beyond anything I could ever do. Now what will make this the best CV ever will be the combination of Pat's craftsmanship and paint work combined with my electronic work. I am going to be installing Legacy with whistle steam in this locomotive. It is going to amazing when complete. Can't wait to see more.

Thanks Pat


Since today was such a pretty day to paint,…I went ahead and shot the paint on Sid’s boiler shell…..after blasting and washing, the shell was abated with scotchbrite, soap and water. I do not believe in painting over blasted metal,..but that’s my belief, y’all’s results are yours,….I’m a firm believer in an abated surface for materials to have a place to bite onto,… here’s my take on what I believe the correct color for a CV Hudson should be,….I’ve worked closely with my DuPont rep to come up with this formula,…this is no rattle can job, this is a urethane finish sprayed from a gun,…the pics may not be in order,…but I’ve tried to take pics in the best light this old IPad will do,…for comparison, Sid’s shell is sat next to the grossly wrong silver model ,……The top coat color is spayed over a light black base to convey the color I’m looking for ,…’s obviously darker than the silver model by Lionel, but just a wee bit lighter than the dark charcoal model that they did after the bright silver ……now to watch paint dry, and get on to something else,..😉56E36A3B-923E-49C0-ABEF-642921495CDE1845DD71-4C82-4D2C-BAD0-5E96DCD8340DC8C85A96-BCCD-4C55-8E8C-76371C951E3FC2BDD642-752F-43A6-9198-F5182A2A72CDACC44546-90C1-4ED5-94FD-3A76A2452D43



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@Randy_B posted:

What kind of upgrades is the fox body Mustang in for? Don't tell me five lug conversion because it already has it.

That notchback in the picture is a disaster area going to a place to happen,….which is a shame, cause it is a solid car, just too many hands have touched it, and the owner can’t afford to do the correct work to it,…..unfortunately, it’s in the outgoing mailbox, he’ll find someone else to continue hacking the car to death,….not me, do it right or get it out of my sight,..😉


@Randy_B posted:

Oh you're right. Is that a Cleveland in there or a big block? I'm mostly familiar with the EFI five liters and the modulars that came after them.

We’d better stop there on this thread buddy, the cops are gonna get us,…but it’s just to convey custom work can be done neat & clean, just like the trains,….

it is indeed a true 429 big block DOVE engine from a Torino Cobra ☺️


Last edited by harmonyards

That first paint picture the shell looks black, but I suppose it is just the lighting and contrast, because after that it looks like a dark metallic grey.

Dave, …the pic you’re referring to is indeed black,…I laid down a black base coat before applying the top color coat, doing so yields a darker looking top coat. When my paint rep and I discussed painting the model, we both agreed working on thin black base, would result in a much finer finish, less color application, and thus less details get obliterated by thick paint,….a little painting magic 101 ,….😉


@harmonyards posted:

Dave, …the pic you’re referring to is indeed black,…I laid down a black base coat before applying the top color coat, doing so yields a darker looking top coat. When my paint rep and I discussed painting the model, we both agreed working on thin black base, would result in a much finer finish, less color application, and thus less details get obliterated by thick paint,….a little painting magic 101 ,….😉


I had heard something somewhere about painting to use certain color choices for whatever the end result would be. Of course I don't even remember what I saw that on, just knew that it was painting either figures, scenery, or some other such thing related to details of models.

That looks great!  I have a second shell that I need to swap onto my frame, that I put all my work into.

This in-depth look into additional details should help too...

When you reattach the front plaque, it needs to be up higher than the original location that Lionel location...

If you look at where the stock plaque is, and some google photos, you can see that it's up higher closer to the smokebox access hatch.

Here's where I put mine (all pictures below my own).

Don't forget the scale pilot truck and add brake beams.

ATS shoe on the tender truck...

Cold water feed pump on fireman's side...

Keep up the great work!

(Yes, I still have to swap the shell... I know.)

Sid’s CV chassis is ready for some testing now, ….the cat will be out of the bag for those who know what you’re looking at. Sid’s going full Legacy, so I’ve been tasked to fit the encoder & ring flywheel in an already tight confine, and make it serviceable…..the flywheel is a one off scratch built unit, and naturally, I like high polished parts to showcase the efforts, The new driveshaft is double jointed slip yolk design, again, custom fitted to Sid’s application,….I’ve also tuned in the gearbox by arranging the shim packs for optimum performance,……everything fits neatly in the CV’s shell,….probably the worst part of the job is cleaning out all that nasty, dried up hard as rocks grease ….yuk!..

Pat A010198E-80F7-431B-8EC7-90FF3EFDDCAFF2E1A4DE-3C08-4CA5-B41C-3023BF3E66178A181AB1-0D04-40D2-9A8C-FB41A5EC600AD0C8021C-F753-4AF6-919C-334D1029A2C2


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@harmonyards posted:

Sid’s CV chassis is ready for some testing now, ….the cat will be out of the bag for those who know what you’re looking at. Sid’s going full Legacy, so I’ve been tasked to fit the encoder & ring flywheel in an already tight confine, and make it serviceable…..the flywheel is a one off scratch built unit, and naturally, I like high polished parts to showcase the efforts, The new driveshaft is double jointed slip yolk design, again, custom fitted to Sid’s application,….I’ve also tuned in the gearbox by arranging the shim packs for optimum performance,……everything fits neatly in the CV’s shell,….probably the worst part of the job is cleaning out all that nasty, dried up hard as rocks grease ….yuk!..

Pat A010198E-80F7-431B-8EC7-90FF3EFDDCAFF2E1A4DE-3C08-4CA5-B41C-3023BF3E66178A181AB1-0D04-40D2-9A8C-FB41A5EC600AD0C8021C-F753-4AF6-919C-334D1029A2C2

That looks outstanding. Can't wait to put my electronics into it.

Love it.

Hopefully you’ll approve of this …..your attention to detail on the CV you’ve built, has pushed me to do an equally good job,…’s a sneak peak on how things are shaping up,……note we spent quite a bit of time working on the correct lettering size, spacing, and coloring true to the CV prototype,……I’ll be adding some further details as you’ve pointed out, and some advise from Pete as he’s my go-to for all things NYC ( I never claimed to know it all ) …let the opinions fly!….let’s have some fun,….for a change,…😉

Pat DC168BF5-581E-4A79-B31B-23ECD2D9DA30


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Last edited by harmonyards

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