Below my signature in a message is the face of an instrument. Above it is PLEASE UPDATE................. Below is a an Internet address. I typed in that address and got 'Sorry, doesn't exist' or something like that. How may I get back to the previous icon below my signature? Thank you, John in Lansing, ILL
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It looks like Photo Bucket has changed their terms, and the common logo that many here used in their signatures is no longer accessible. It sounds as if whoever has the logo in their account, will need to change the settings to allow you and the others to link to it. Another solution is for each member to get a copy of the logo and have it hosted in their own account or even with another service.
A couple weeks ago, someone here had a clever solution to work around the signature image hosting issue, which was to post the image to the forum, and then paste it into their signature, thus "tricking" the forum into hosting it.
This is a Photobucket issue, not a forum issue. They evidently changed something.
There is s detailed thread on another forum (the other magazine related one) discussing this.
I'd post a link , but I know it wouldn't survive.
There is a good summary of what transpired here. (not a link to another train site, so hopefully OK)
I don't use Photobucket, but it sounds like they want a pretty hefty sum to continue to use their service in this way (I saw $400 a year mentioned! - if it's true, that's quite a difference).
The thread I am referring to had several people mentioning other sites that they migrated to that still allowed free 3rd party hosting. I'm thinking Flikr and Shutterfly might have been two of the sites.
FWIW. I posted the photo I wanted in the signature block, in my profile under things I like. Then copied that link and pasted it into the signature block in my profile, click update and there it is. I did have to resize much smaller than actual photo. So had to experiment a little. Ted
Thanks to all members and officers who responded. I went to my Profile, looked around and found the square which was checked that allowed that gauge to appear. I 'unchecked' it and now nothing appears which is fine with me. Again, thank you. John in Lansing, ILL
Rattler, I think if you go back to the signature block, place your cursor to the right of the icon(photo) and backspace it will delete that and you can start over if you want. TW