Cuyahoga Valley S Gauge Association presents ‘S’ Spree Convention on May 2, 2013 thru May 5, 2013
Quaker Square, 135 South Broadway,Akron,OH44325
Quaker Squarein part is the converted solos from the Quaker Oats. The silos were converted into a Hilton Hotel which opened in 1980. Later it became aCrownePlazahotel. The hotel is built into the suite of silos and is famed for its 196 completely round rooms. The Trackside Grille & Ice Cream Parlor, a restaurant themed with railroads which run parallel to the building, also provides a narrative ofAkron’s history.
Thursday, May 2, 2013convention attendees will be invited to Field trips and a welcome Dinner.
Convention Registration Fee $35.00
Friday, May 3, 2013 convention attendees will be invited S gauge Flea Market, Train trip, clinics in the evening and a Convention Banquette ($35.00 each) at approximately 5:30 pm.
Convention Banquette $35.00 each
Saturday, May 4, 2013their will be an all gauge train flee market, open to the public, from10 amto3 pm. Admission $6.00
For complete list of events and times, please visit our web site at
For more information Contact:
SpreeChairman: Mike Graham 216-398-9313
Cuyahoga Valley S Gauge Association
for Schedule of events click HERE