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Steel Mill Modelers SIG Annual Meeting will be in Pittsburgh!

I thought this might be of interest - the Steel Mill Modelers SIG is holding their annual meet in Pittsburgh July 26-30 at the DoubleTree hotel in Greentree. You can register at:
The meet will feature clinics, vendors, layout tours, an excursion to Carrie Furnace, a model display room, the Dean Freytag Award, and a banquet.  Past meets have been great learning opportunities and the chance to see some terrific models.
As this is basically being held in my backyard, I plan to attend.  I will be giving a clinic on Weirton Steel's Open Hearth - both the prototype and my O-scale model (currently under construction).  I hope to see you there.
Incidentally, there are still some slots for clinics available. If you'd like to participate, please contact Jim DiPaola (
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